
He acted like a five year old who just learned the word “fucker.”

No genuine apology ever contains the word, “if.” People already TOLD her they were offended. No if and or buts about it.

you are correct that they have a built in delay to firing. But in this case, he resigned. The fact that he resigned can be seen two ways. 1) good that it happened and was probably forced; 2) not as good as a firing would be, because when a cop resigns, they get to keep their pension. In most jurisdictions, they lose

Given how many acquitals, dismissals and ridiculously light sentences we have seen in nearly all cases, I’ll take this as some kind of progress—and still feel mostly pessimistic.

to answer your question about the unions role with Guyger: YES. The union president showed up at the scene of her crime and ordered police to turn off the video and audio in the squad car, and was able to help her shape her story before she was officially interrogated. In fact, this is a common practice in many

Besides the insinuation that her gun proves there was a “threat,” I’m bracing myself for further efforts to destroy her image that are certain to come in the next few days. Will they search her apartment? Will they do a “tox screen,” like they did on Botham Jean but not on his killer? Honestly, I’ll be surprised if

Exactly. It’s beyond crazy that an “open door,” in and of itself, means anything threatening. Example: I was working in another state. My next door neighbor saw that my front door was open, from the wind, she thought. She walked next door and shut it. Period.

Yes, the “found a weapon” IN ANOTHER ROOM! Not the room she was in. why even mention it??? Other than to insinuate there was a “threat.”

yes, to answer your question about commenting on Kinja.  I sent 3 emails to customer service, they answered by asking me what I was not doing right, and that was it.  The problem is still there.  In fact, I don’t even know if this comment will post!

Also making “integrity” a laughable claim: the cover up efforts by police, the lying of the boyfriend, the non-cuffing or containing of the shooter at the reime scene, contamination of the crime scene; the audio turned off in the squad car where they finally put Amber, the union president allowed to speak with her

Yes, Judge Kemp did go over to hug the Jean family, and according to Lee Merritt (interviewed on Court TV the next day), the judge asked them if she could relate as she did with Amber Guyger. Lee Merritt said they were ok with it.  

Fox “news” has already tried to portray it as a black on black shooting. their headline read, “

yes, it’s mostly white people and white commentators in media saying over and over how “historic” was this moment, and knowingly or not, twisting individual forgiveness into a tool to minimize racism. It’s like, “why can’t you all be like Brandt, and just get over it?” As if they’re saying, “don’t look at the system

yes, it’s mostly white people and white commentators in media saying over and over how “historic” was this moment, and knowingly or not, twisting individual forgiveness into a tool to minimize racism. It’s like, “why can’t you all be like Brandt, and just get over it?” As if they’re saying, “don’t look at the system

I’m confused by the statements that the judge “allowed” the Castle Doctrine to be applied; my understanding from listening to almost the entire proceedings was that it is simply the LAW in TExas, and there is no discretion. it is a legal concept they can use at trial. Is this not correct?

exactly. and the judge dismissed her racist social media posts as “prejudicial.”

yes, at the time of her arrest, neighbors reported they heard banging on the door. The NYT reported this last November. This seems so significant to me, yet in all the hours i watched this on Court TV yesterday and today, I didn’t hear the prosecution mention it. Did they?

i cried too! not only is he adorable and talented, his parents are adorable too! I sent it to my granddaughter and within minutes she wrote back, “I literally cried watching this!”

seems we shouldn’t overlook the fact that it was paid out “over a period of a few years.”  

Plus, that kind of “salary”—at least how it has been described so far—is likely not your usual W-2 type of salary, with benefits like medical included. It more likely was a contract set up, and contractors pay all their own benefits, put aside their own money for retirement, etc. So the $160K over “a few years” is