
Barny Fife??  

wait...you mean that wasn’t satire??

isn’t it kinda important to point out that when Bernie said and wrote the N-word, he was referring to it’s use, not USING it? In other words, crtiquing racism is not racism.

the moment Biden said, “the problems that come from the home,” I was reminded of “The Moynihan Report” (first titled, “The Negro Family: the case for National Action”), which put forth the concept of “a culture of poverty,” supposedly self-perpetuating a lack of motivation, poor parenting, and educational under-achieve

No, it doesn’t read well, but I think we should ask ourselves why. We tend to blame women for “staying” or “going back” to a situation that to us, the observer, seems “obviously” dangerous. We applaud ourselves as people who would at the first sign of abuse say, “that’s it! I’m out!” reject the a-hole and never look

and one more absurdity:   “Islamic,” as if a religion is a race

yes, it is likely a follower of Eliott Rodger

This entire article was a delight, but I laughed myself into mean-happy tears for several minutes at this paragraph:

this makes so little sense—the timing of earlier events in the day especially. It seems to me that more may come to light in this story. I’m wondering why the forensics people are so sure this was a murder-suicide, instead of a murder by someone else.  the articles say, “apparent murder suicide,” suggesting that it’s

“Trump returned to Twitter on Friday morning to offer what can best be described as a sarcastic olive branch.” 

“Nothing will get done for the people in need. Sad!”

check out her Facebook page. In fact, she is not only proud of herself, she’s rolling in her own shit and bragging about it.  And her many bizarre followers are too.

me too.

I see you have been roundly welcomed out of the greys for well honed and fully justified rational insults against the stupidity you saw in evidence here. Congratulations! And, thanks!

Here. This will heal the broken heart. (breaking news on the guy who did this—a “fed up republican”

No, you were right the first time. This clearer image cinches it for me: “45 is a puppet” is not a random, accidental set of words resulting from “sloppy googling.” It literally does translate to that. No ambiguity.

eewwww. accurate but way too gross

NAH. the wad of cash? the golf clubs? 45 is a puppet? Russian coat of arms? what are the odds that “sloppy googling” could be so consistently on target?

Now playing

“The mainly white disrupters continued, grotesquely smearing those opposed to destruction of anti-racist art with shouts of “white supremacists“!”

This all fits nicely with the new trend of “I’m triggered! Stop talking.”