
Her video is powerful. She is genuine and courageous in describing what motivated her. Love for our children is universal (or nearly so, anyway). I think about Michael Dunn often; he is the epitome of entitlement. He thought some children’s loud music deserved a deadly response. He ate pizza with his girlfriend after.

She gave “verbal commands” to “an unknown male,” “who confronted the officer at the door.”

Yes, it’s something to remember. It happened. My point was simply that you were a year old, when you claimed to have “lived through it.”

2018 minus 65 = the year 1953. In 1954, therefore, you were a one year old. I too recall it, but not because I could do so as a child. The hearings began and ended in 1954, while you were still a year old.

honey, you said you were 65 during the McCarthy hearings. Amazing you can “remember them well,” since you were a year old at the time.

“Trump googled himself this morning...”  seems like a tremendous understatement, since I’m guessing he googles himself more than once per day.  

“Making statements such as these as a means to justify not being arrested are unusual in my experience as a law enforcement officer and I believe further demonstrate the suspect’s level of intoxication,” the officer wrote in the report.”

I’m guessing that her “black family members” are imaginary. Either that, or they disowned her the moment their unfortunate relative somehow scooped her up as an in-law..

Looks to me like this second video captured the moments immediately after the two well placed punches...cuz what I’m seeing is that the black woman with the mic stops mid-speech as the white woman runs up to her, angrily whining and crying. The woman with the mic says clearly (twice) in response to whatever the white

Mr. Whitman’s lack of impulse control is off the scale, yet he refers to it as “this” and a “mistake,” instead of owning up to what he actually did—that is, indulge his impulse to stereotype and police a black man.

who can put people like Susan back in the greys?  Not sure how she ever got out of there.

1. read some history.

in answer to the question posed in comments here by many, “isn’t murder a strong enough charge,” i think the answer is NO, absolutely it is not, when you consider what the word “lynching” actually means.

Once again, I am stunned at the cross-over look among BBQ Becky, Pool Patrol Paula and Permit Patty. Blatant, gross, rabid racism does something predictable to the features? 

seriously, when i first saw the pic of Permit Patty, my first thought was, “damn, BBQ Becky is striking again! She’s doubling down!

it’s even worse that we can expect from Fox. They will say, “of course, because all the drug dealers are black.”

“Like, for most people it’s enough to just insist to themselves that they are good or honest or whatever other qualities we find admirable in theory. But, it’s another thing to be capable of the self-reflection to recognize where you’ve fallen and the commitment to actually DO the things that make you good.”

My eyes were stinging with every paragraph of this. My stomach hurting. It’s that familiar physical response to entitled, sexist assholes (and in Trump’s case, racist too).

That was laugh out loud delightful.

“A woman like Hah! I love this!