
so true. well said. thank you.

My younger son is bi-racial. He is very light skinned, though he shares features from both sides of his family. When he was in the 1st grade, the teacher asked all the children to bring in pictures of their family members. My little guy carefully assembled the photos and took them to school to show his friends. He

Yes, a good thing happened today. And the credit goes to those who exert the pressure on media and on companies, demanding consequences for the rampant racism that Trump has “normalized.” Nothing changes until it hurts to be racist. Hurts in the revenues, hurts in the lost jobs, and ultimately, hurts in the exposure


Why the fuck is she allowed to do this with no repurcussions?

NO, don’t take it easy on them at all. Just understand this is a long fucking process, keep supporting other women, and keep confronting.

Between the two videos, my takeaway is a bit different than yours: in my view, the little one with the disappointing Hairdo-By-Daddy is actually being “assertive.” She meets the three criteria for assertion: she’s being honest, respectful, and maybe a tinge less direct at first, but then she gets around to it. She

I think the catchy tune and lyrics, “Fuck that Bitch” will be playing in my head all day.

I guess this is petty of me—but, hasn’t she heard of punctuation?

Dash is truly a brave child. And in addition to being a great, fiercely loving Mom, you are a great writer. I kept clipping out parts to share, as I read through it.

Isn’t it amazing how the first thing people do who have shown themselves to be total assholes, is whine about how badly and rudely they’re being treated by those who confront them on it.

‘I have two gentlemen in my store and they refuse to buy something or leave,’

NAH! At 2 min. and 50 seconds, he lays his hands on her, starts pulling on her. Apparently you think that 2 min. 50 seconds is just too long for any cop to tolerate before he gets violent and threatens arrest. All he had to do was wait, and in fact he had called for others to show up.. she had every right to ask for a

I’m guessing she dissolved into those toddler-grade sobs for exactly that reason! She believes that the cops are there for her, the perpetually and unmistakably innocent party.

Awful bullshit. But at the same time, I am so happy that so many of these incidents are now being confronted and filmed. Years ago, we weren’t seeing this. Just an example: I went into my own Keybank branch to get a money order, maybe ten years ago...I was accompanied by my friend, Ray, who is black. For the first

yeah, that makes sense. though to my untrained mind, it seems that inciting harassment verges on criminal..but I guess in this case, it is seem as damages, not a crime.

Filed in part by the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Dumpson’s lawsuit accuses Anglin of incitement of intentional infliction of emotional distress and/or conspiracy to do so; interfering with her right to equal opportunity to education; and bias-related incitement or conspiracy to commit stalking.

But what about that Ben Vereen performance—the edited out part where he stuck it to the white audience? Described in a New Yorker article from last year. ....When Ben Vereen Wore Blackface to Reagon’s Inaugural Gala...
which very visually describes the last half of his performance that was edited out of the broadcast.

yeah, i actually thought they would never change the molds! So many other dolls (baby dolls, esp.) simply darkened the skin but with no attempt to vary facial features to reflect the reality of the beautiful variety of what people actually look like.

These dolls are perfect! I never had Barbies (too tame, and their feet were weird), but I would have gone for Barbies if they’d looked like this when I was a kid.