
The comments on Sean’s facebook page that got to me the most were those from my fellow white women, advising Sean to just cross the street and not miss the chance to meet a “nice neighbor.” One advised a “wave and a smile” to disarm that neighbor’s (unlikely) potential for fear. Another suggested that Sean take over a

Zactly! That post had me laughing out loud for precisely this reason. :D

“excited delerium.” what bullshit. they executed him with tasers and then blamed him for dying from an alleged preexisting condition or from his supposed outsized reaction to the situation, AS IF tasers and brutality played no part. Blaming the victim is core to institutional supremacy maintenance

Sweet. Every single second of it. And that dancing. Nothing compares to that.

According to one report, she told a journalist that their policy was to prevent “excessive loitering.”

A good start would be for Starbucks to name this “training” what it is, “racism.” The term “implicit bias” seems to me in so many ways like a hiding place for us who are white. It says, “oh, dear, I had no idea!” That Starbuck’s manager’s “unconsciously” motivated action in calling the cops could have literally resulte

It’s undoubtedly different people forgiving Donald Trump for whatever monstrous thing he does and has done, but possibly the same phenomenon.

I totally agree. The incremental approach to police “reform” will never result in accountability. Yet, for those of us who are activists, organizers and advocates (I’ve been doing this in Portland Oregon for years with our local “Cop Watch” group), there is no other option but to keep trying to chip away at “reform.”

Yes, which in my City, we’ve tried to eliminate as a policy, and some of the provisions within that 48 our policy have been changed here (but not much, so far). But our byzantine “internal police review” procedure means that most are “found to be within policy” no matter what tricks they pull.

Thanks, that’s helpful. Especially the part about explaining the reason.


“Police Chief Daniel Hahn announced during a city council meeting that officers would be barred from muting their body cameras in most circumstances.”

see, this right here is what I love about her. I go for the dancing. It’s powerfuly, fiercely feminine.

Implicit bias has shown up gruesomely in the past few weeks in (white) reactions to the six black children killed by their two mothers. The responses of many white people have been to scramble for ways to elevate the “humanity” of Sarah and Jessica Hart and emphasize what “loving, selfless parents” they were.

She thought their language was actually called “oriental.”

“Who shits on a kid who got into 20 schools, including the Ivy League. Miserable assholes.”

“What kind of nation wants to be associated with the mass murder of innocent men, women and children?”... “and who are the nations associated with carrying out mass slaughter in Yemen?...”

This 40% is so fucking lazy they can’t even come up with a better excuse for their own failures than to blame black people for them.

Dyslexia is respectful. Trump is disgraceful.

The April 18 premiere is for both men and women, I read. I guess that presumes that the Saudi authorities have at least seen the trailer, and noticed that Wakandan women are not wearing hijab, nor clothing that does not fit their fantastic curves...it will be interesting! i doubt Saudi women will be asked to write the