
I read elsewhere today that the police who were on the scene were not the regular beat police for that neighborhood. Had it been the regular cops which we’ve recently read DID know about Saheed’s bipolar disorder and his behaviors (i.e., had it been a situation of “community policing”), the outcome of this admittedly

Yes, that’s the article I was referring to. Also recent was the man they shot who was in obvious distress, with his pants around his ankles. There have been many shootings in a very short period of time.

The Root published an article about it a week or so ago. the title was something like, After telling woman to step out of car, they shoot her. (that’s the meaning, at least, not exactly the headline).

Those cops in the video, all decked out in their bullet proof helmets and with Kevlar covering their chests and even their legs are ready at any moment to “fear for their lives.”

ummm...thanks for the heads up. I had interpreted it as a serious question.

As usual, they just started shooting. Like they did with Tamir Rice. Like they did with John Crawford, and like they did with the woman last week who they ordered to step out of her car, and who they immediately shot the moment she did.

True. But even a “just cause” standard won’t protect you much unless you have a union.

totally true what you just said, if you delete “almost.”

So true. Businesses can fire you pretty much for any reason, unless you have a union. Businesses are not democracies. They just rent your labor.

Omigod, they actually instructed all the “females” to cross their legs at the ankles, 1950's style, and pose their hands identically demurely over their laps. The dudes are all in partial-to-full Crotch Display (likely not needing any instruction).

You are correct. And that’s why those of us who are feminists are not shocked at all. Sometimes we say “shocking” when we mean “disturbing,” or even, “disgusting.”

hmmm...reading these comments, I don’t think anyone is “shocked.” To analyze what’s missing and what should be there instead is affirmation, not “shock.”

Only Jeffrey Dahmer endorsing veganism would top this.

Wow. And that “apology”...

To be fair, rebuilding Puerto Rico and donating half to philanthropy is good, but certainly does’t give a pass to a person who exploits his own employees to help fund that and all else that he does. So perhaps the author here, Mr. Nolan, should have applied the “asshole” moniker a bit more specifically /narrowly. In

Exactly. Why in the world would a parent like the one who put bruises on that child and had been given a 90-day suspended jail sentence and a year of probation be approved for adoption? We’re used to seeing this level of “parenting” in the foster care system, but in my own direct experience of adoption, prospective

The worst part of this statement is that addition: “the president is in full support of law enforcement officers.”

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