
You’re right—they had restraint and a lot of consideration about how to approach this, “until they didn’t.”  That’s the part that hurts so much— watching her step out of the car, and seeing her not even have time to stand up straight before someone, one person, seemed oblivious to all that had led up to this, and just

This is a crock of seriously arrogant and disrespectful bullshit. Who are you to tell black people (or anyone else for that matter) how to navigate the world? For having written something this toxic and ridiculous, I’d be embarrassed for you, but I can tell by the way you write that you are so self important (“that

Exactly. And: as if Stephon even had time to “comply,” or even to understand what he was supposed to comply with. The cops did not identify themselves as officers. The cops shot him within seconds of seeing him.

Yes, I agree with all that. And yes, the video proves that they did not at any point announce themselves as cops. The first time Stephen sees them is when they are running toward him with their rifles drawn. The helicopter video shows Stephen up to that point walking slowly and casually through his own yard toward the

...”and then he charged them...”

“Of ‘course, it’s also possible he was trying to get over the fence/standing there for 4 minutes and then started charging.”

“The article was revised to clarify it was Singapore. There was no indication beforehand; I was confused asf.”

If this were sarcasm, I’d give you a star.

oh, the cell phone, of course.

“I was like busy making porn faces, and stuff...” she says to describe her effort during this hot and heavy moment. And then she asks herself, “I’m wondering what is so great about me...i tried to be better than the things he’d had...” (yes, she said “things”).

in other words, “it wasn’t racism. It wasn’t hate. It was just playful.

“My first impression of that is ... we’re dealing with somebody who is obviously very immature,” Pittman added. “It’s probably more mischievous than it is sinister, but their choice of location couldn’t have been worse.”

“I saw a lot of guys who signed up for the wrong reasons and then decide that since their life is already ruined, a DD won’t make much difference. Sort of a non-lethal suicide by cop. The guy who did this has clearly reached the DGAF stage.”

Actually no. Dylann Roof has not been put to death yet. He has simply been sentenced to be put to death, and is on death row. But the point people are making here is that white people who murder black people—particularly cops like the one who shot Philando Castile for no reason whatsoever or the cop that executed

...all of the above observations not meant to minimize the fact that the haters are ridiculous, threatened, and disgusting, esp. those with the fake photos of their fake bloodied faces. My point is that the extreme ones are outnumbered greatly by the more garden variety racists among us.

Similar experience. I live in overwhelmingly white Portland, Oregon. I went to the early afternoon matinee. It was packed, with people turned away at the door.

Yep. I have a very bad memory like that too. And many apologies to my son ever since. We need better choices of people to call for help when kids are acting out in crisis.

I agree. He was a dick. But I think we’re missing a lot if we think that’s the main point, or even if the main point is “violence vs. nonviolence, or “africa vs. african amercans,” or “martin vs. Malcolm.” I think Killmonger was the packaging around the main point. He represents those who are so lost that they only

yeah, i noticed that too.

I think Eric Killmonger may be the character we end up thinking about the most. We first see him as an adorable, curious child. Then, when he enters the narrative as an adult, he at first seems one dimensional, just sociopathic when he kills his girlfriend.