
all so T-Rex. Though we have no evidence he hated women.

spot on. and eloquent.

There is almost no headline that I like better than “employees fired for racial profiling!”

Trump must be insanely jealous of Robert Mueller’s full head of hair

 fourthed! Yes, rats are sweet and smart. My boys had about ten, over time. Great little companions. So affectionate.

Lupita <3 is so damned perfect it’s excruciating!

“But I’m over it! .....It’s not like I’m coming to them with a fucking attitude...!”

No, not that old. Laura Dern’s first big role (at least the first I knew) was Jurassic Park. She’s late forties, early fifties.

I think you’re speaking as if the choice is (now, future) either Hilary or Trump. If that’s the choice, Trump will win.

I just read both the Washington Examiner misleading summation of the Vox article. And yes, I certainly agree (actually I did even before reading both) with your sentiment that King is out of his mind to compare himself to Bernie Sanders on immigration. OR, he is just a liar who thinks people won’t be familiar with

Or maybe she clicked on “Add to Dictionary.”

I am thanking whomever was our creator for mercifully allowing this video to be only 43 seconds long.

Now playing

I was listening to Yancy Ford this morning on the radio, discussing his film “Strong Island” about the murder of his brother William. He described his and his family learned over and over how thoroughly and relentlessly “The justice system isn’t meant to work for people of color in this country.” His film is exactly

please, some mercy and some education, before we weaponize the term, “autism.” I have a son with Asperger’s (mild, high functioning autism). Trump’s character defects have nothing to do with autism, and autism has nothing to do with character defects. And while the tendency to develop autism has multiple factors and

ummm...then why are you here on this article?

It doesn’t get better than this.

But Audrey is actually dancing!

(Is there a “white community?”

“Sharpton said Erica didn’t die of a heart attack but of a heart that was attacked, after seeing her father so brutally snuffed out with no recompense.”

Police forces are death squads against black people: a traffic stop inspires them to murder. a call for help inspires them to murder. a medical emergency inspires them to murder, a pregnant mother reporting a robbery inspires them to murder. And no wonder it comes so easily—they get away with it nearly always. And