
Police forces are death squads against black people: a traffic stop inspires them to murder. a call for help inspires them to murder. a medical emergency inspires them to murder, a pregnant mother reporting a robbery inspires them to murder. And no wonder it comes so easily—they get away with it nearly always. And

As a woman, I can relate to that internal mental calculus—e.g., “if I help this guy with his battery in this parking lot, will I be ok?” But as a white woman, I am aware I am often on the other side of it. This came clear to me a few weeks ago when I got out of the car at my house, was about to walk up the steps to it

As a woman, I can relate to that internal mental calculus—e.g., “if I help this guy with his battery in this parking lot, will I be ok?” But as a white woman, I am aware I am often on the other side of it. This came clear to me a few weeks ago when I got out of the car at my house, was about to walk up the steps to it

Their request makes perfect sense to me. They want to lower the odds of having someone tell their story without context. Their best bet for appropriate context and deep empathy is a journalist who has daily faced the kind of discrimination and policing of their behavior that they have experienced. Grief is the worst

I hope there is a way we can help this poor mother, a Go Fund Me? to help her with expenses for burial and for counseling for those poor kids who had to experience this.

now there’s a comment that will keep you in the grays forever

Sweet James,

I live in Portland, Oregon, and near the neighborhood of one of the 3 branches of the former “Coon Chicken Inn.” In an act of artistic revenge in 2006, an African American man, Ernest “Clyde” Jones bought the old place and turned it into a haven for R & B, Funk, and Jazz, with music and dance every night and fabulous

Where did she say anything about either the Republican Party or the “democrat” party?


“ ...it would be best to seek the help of a therapist, because it’s apparent that many schools aren’t equipped to handle the emotional scars that are plaguing our girls.”

we’d all be rolling on the floor, though

I think you mean, “live on the scene of this bitch!” :)!

Well told! I got more laughs this morning than I’ve had in a week!

Yeah. But what about being a “Dick?”

Yttrium~you just proved every point Mr. Harriot made about Becky

what’s even worse is that it seems they are naming it “implicit bias” training, a euphemism—a term meant to be within the comfort zone of people who want to believe it is all “unconscious,” “unintended,” and therefore they are not quite responsible. If the goal is to get their employees to stop dragging black and

another layer to this is that white people don’t understand the distinction between “suffering” and “oppression.” They don’t get that the latter is wired into every institution—legal, political, economic—it is administered, systematically guaranteed suffering. Their own suffering is real, but not deliberately designed

Perfect response. Thank you.