The Crow, Judgment Night, and Spawn are "90s alt soundtrack" all-star. And The Crow is the only one of the movies attached to those soundtracks that's worth watching.
The Crow, Judgment Night, and Spawn are "90s alt soundtrack" all-star. And The Crow is the only one of the movies attached to those soundtracks that's worth watching.
“Randy Quaid, the latter of whom is a red flag in most any movie”
The Staten Island of Dr Moreau .
I think it’s also important to understand the difference between “overrated” and “bad”. I think FF7 is a very good game, it’s not in my top 5 of the series but it’s a very good game among very good games. I also think it’s overrated in how people tend to regard it. It was certainly technically groundbreaking and did a…
The Nightbreed (The Tribes of the Moon) aren’t demons. They are more akin to werewolves.
‘barely above NES’ graphics? How old are you? Because in 1991 it was a massive jump in graphics compared to NES.
A list such as this has me praying for a new ice age.
it’s not a bad show.
Do my instincts deceive me, or did we receive a first introduction to Elijah Wood’s new character
I’ll draw your attention to this interview with Samuel L Jackson and a British reporter on Colin Farrell:
It’s every single zombie movie ever made meets The Road.
Considering how many people have abandoned them due to lackluster (or outright stupid) articles and overly intrusive (and browser crashing) ads, they’ve gotta try getting money from somewhere. And any group stupid enough to complain about being “involuntarily celibate” while also having a month dedicated to celibacy…
Hell yeah! Let’s promote this right-wing, fascist recruitment tool! But it’s anime characters!
He of all people should know...
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<The point<<<<<<<<<
Here’s a fun video games fact: The Sim City games went hard on anti-nuclear power (making meltdown disasters so “common,” or even a thing at all) because of Will Wright and co.’s open anti-nuclear bias. I can personally say that my impressionable-90s baby impression of nuclear energy was influenced by this, presumably…
The real tragedy of Chernobyl is that nuclear power should be one of the most powerful weapons against climate change, but one meltdown in an outdated power plant turned people against nuclear plants forever. The psychological effects of the disaster will kill far more people than the disaster itself did.