Half of the fans are dead? How old do you think He-Man is?
Millenial John Cusack......what?
Not to rain on your parade, but you know that there is horror movie about a killer dog named Baxter already, right?
Run The Jewels didn’t even exist 20 years ago.
Oh man, I literally live right around the corner from this country club. I clearly need to go cryptid hunting this weekend.
I had one of those also but mine didn’t have a great roll.
I need to get back to this game. I love horror games and I LOVE the first two Alien films, but for some reason I just haven’t been able to get into Isolation.
Honestly, I always thought Hung Jury was overrated. I loved scout rifles in D1 with a passion, but Hung Jury just never hit hard enough for me. On the other hand, I had a Gheleon’s Demise with the same roll as Hung Jury, but it hit a lot harder, that gun was my main weapon for almost the entirety of Destiny 1, until…
It utterly blows my mind how much hate EA gets for admittedly greedy, but ultimately harmless stuff while other companies actively destroy lives and the environment and people shrug their shoulders.
Solar Fields score for the first Mirror’s Edge is my go to chill-out album, it’s incredible. Mirror’s Edge is a pretty damn amazing game itself.
With the PS3 store getting shut down soon, I need to shout out to the digital only Siren:Blood Curse. Essentially a retelling/remake of the PS2 game Siren, it improved the graphics and streamlined the gameplay and any fan of survival horror should 100% play it if you get the chance. It’s an absolute shame that soon it…
Godhand is amazing. I went back and replayed it on an emulator last year and it still holds up.
The Fear Effect games were so good. I’m still pissed we never got Fear Effect:Inferno for PS2
Many goth clubs don’t have a dress code, but generally the ones that do so are in order to keep out people who might cause trouble and harass the “freaks.” As I mentioned in another response, often it’s the clubs that share a goth night space with a typical bar that has way more issues than the exclusive venues. Of…
As someone who has been going to goth clubs on and off my entire adult life, in my experience it’s the regular clubs that have a goth night alongside the normal bar scenes that have tons of creepy dudes. The exclusive goth nights tend to be much better about that. In fact, the reasoning behind all-black dress codes is…
I can tell you have never been to a goth club if you think any of those things are true.
Yeah I can totally see that. Thing is, both of mine were bought in person from Gamestop.
The controller that came with my PS4 worked great, but after hundreds of hours of Destiny it eventually started to fail. So I ended up buying a brand new controller and it had occasional drift right out of the box. I bought a second controller and it was even worse. I would have taken the controllers back, but then…
The Last Supper is criminally underrated, what a great film. And damn if it wasn’t shockingly prescient.