
It can be a little intimidating at first, there is definitely a learning curve, but it’s actually pretty easy for the basics. I watched a few YouTube videos to get up and running and then we played a pre-gen adventure. The officially licensed adventures have most of the work done for you already and they can help you

Port forwarding isn’t necessary in the newer version, Unity, but you’re right that you need a separate conferencing app. Our group uses Discord. The advantage over Roll20 is in the automation. Damage dice, saving throws, advantage/disadvantage, ongoing effects, all of that is tracked and automated in FG and it can all

I currently run a game in Fantasy Grounds and play in a game on Roll20 and I can say that Fantasy Grounds blows Roll20 out of the water, especially for D&D. While it’s true Roll20 is free to use and Fantasy Grounds has a big cost upfront, the functionality of FG is much better than Roll20.

I think that it would be getting more coverage if anyone but the perpetrator had died. Thankfully that wasn’t the case, but it’s not like a small pipe bomb or something, it was a huge truck bomb. If the bomber hadn’t purposely warned people away or if he’d chosen a busier time, it would have been a LOT worse.

Yeah, I’m playing Little Hope right now, as a matter of fact, and it’s obvious that the Dark Pictures games are lower budget than Until Dawn. That’s ok, though, they are still a blast to play.

Seriously, I mean there was a truck bomb in downtown Nashville just 2 days ago! In any other year that would be massive news!

Until Dawn does have a sequel, The Dark Pictures Anthology. The first two are Man of Medan and Little Hope, with a third on the way. They even feature muliplayer!

Like you I had friends telling me I needed to watch Evangelion for years because it was “transcendant art” and holy crap is it terrible. I hate-watched my way through the entire series and even watched The End of Evangelion follow up theatrical film but man it sucked 99% of the time.

That’s exactly how I feel about the meme-ification of “Steamed Hams.” It’s easily one of the best bits The Simpsons ever did (and that’s a pretty high bar) and now I can barely tolerate it because of all the terrible terrible remixes that are out there.

FYI the founder of Harebrained Schemes created the Shadowrun IP back in the 80s. The 16-bit games were an adaptation of his original RPG, which, in fairness also cribbed pretty heavily from R. Talsorian’s original Cyberpunk rpg that CDPR used as the basis for THEIR game. Of course Talsorian copied all of his stuff

Two things. First, this needs more stars. Second, I absolutely read it in Zavala’s voice.

As a huge Shadowrun fan, I was a Kickstarter backer of Shadowrun Returns and enjoy it for what it is, but honestly, the Dead Man’s Switch game is really more of a demo. Dragonfall and Hong Kong are MUCH MUCH better than the vanilla Returns. The writing is better, the characters are actually fleshed out instead of

What’s particularly weird about that is Richard Brake IS British! Why he was doing his “3 From Hell” drawl I have no idea.

So, Funny Games, then?

Shitter’s full!”

Hell YEAH, I want scanners!

When I was in film school, one of my teachers told us about working the crew on a movie with Sinbad ( I think it was First Kid?). She said he was without a doubt the nicest, most generous person she had ever met in the industry. He learned everyone’s name, from the camera operator down to the lowliest grip. When

True, but when Shadowkeep came out, they didn’t sunset the previous guns. You could still use all of those old weapons.

That headline is an excellent burn. Seriously though, 31 new weapons after sunsetting, several of which are just the adept Trials guns?

Imprint is fine, but it’s frankly overrated just because it was the episode that was TOO SHOCKING FOR SHOWTIME (OMG!!)!!! Cigarette Burns is the best of the bunch. Honestly, don’t sleep on Fear Itself, the unofficial 3rd season that aired on NBC. I think the limitations on sex and gore actually forced Fear Itself to