Off the top of my head, I would argue that John Carpenter’s two Masters of Horror episodes are both the very best and the very worst episodes of the entire run.
Off the top of my head, I would argue that John Carpenter’s two Masters of Horror episodes are both the very best and the very worst episodes of the entire run.
Totally agree. I remember watching Tesis and Abre Los Ojos 20+ years ago thinking “This guy is going to be the next John Carpenter.” And then The Others came out and totally blew me away. And then...nothing. I liked The Sea Inside ok, but he just faded away after that. I never watched Agora or Regression. Agora looked…
On the one hand, I really want to star this comment, because it’s brilliant, but on the other hand, you have exactly 69 stars as i type this, and I don’t want to ruin that.
Ellsworth from Deadwood
It’s much easier to make a bland Barker adaptation when they don’t bother to adapt his stories. Only the framing story is actually from Barker’s original anthology.
We use our air fryer to reheat fried chicken and OMG it’s the most amazing thing ever!
Man we are living in the WORST cyber dystopia.
Understandably so!
Cats stealing your breath is from the movie Cat’s Eye, not Tales from the Darkside, though there is an evil cat in that movie too.
My friend and I were driving through Atlanta completely boxed in on all sides on the freeway when an unsecured 2x4 flew out from under a big rig. It flew right at us at head height and there was literally nowhere we could go, but luckily it fell and hit the ground before we got to it. Terrifying.
Nobody’s really sure, because Bungie has never done this before. But essentially those planets are being removed to make room for new stuff. This is what they are doing instead of starting from scratch and making Destiny 3. Story-wise, those planets are currently being invaded by the Darkness and it’s pyramid ships…
As a huge Rick and Morty fan, I am pissed that Bojack Horseman lost. Particularly to the “Vat of Acid” episode, which was mediocre at best.
I watch a ton of horror and have been arguing that this movie is a horror film for years.
Personally I never really saw the similarities between “Ils” and “The Strangers” aside from both of them being home invasion films that came out around the same time. Having said that, although “The Strangers” has since become a word of mouth success and is much loved today, I absolutely hated it. I found the…
I hated that ending so so much. Let’s not forget the part where King tells the reader, “Oh by the way, I wanted to end the book here, but I knew people would complain, so here’s some more stuff, even though you shouldn’t read it, but here it is anyway, but don’t complain if you don’t like it, because I told you not to…
For what it’s worth, in those post-season-5-seasons where Supernatural was a slog to get through, there were still some fantastic goofy episodes that are worth watching. And the last 4-5 seasons have been as good as the show’s ever been.
It’s in my Steam backlog, I really should play it someday.
Also, in my head canon, the NES Strider is in the same universe.
Same, that’s why I just said “one of” rather than try to give a rank.