The NES Bionic Commando is one of my all time favorite soundtracks, in any medium. Also, one of the greatest games ever made, warts and all.
The NES Bionic Commando is one of my all time favorite soundtracks, in any medium. Also, one of the greatest games ever made, warts and all.
That’s simply false, Biden CRUSHED the primary in South Carolina, propelling him to big lead even before most people dropped out. He was always the favorite to win the nomination even before that. Biden had massive support from African-American voters, without whom no Democrat has ever secured the nomination in modern…
You know that Biden didn’t run unopposed, right? There was a primary and everything. I don’t buy into the supposed rape allegations against Biden, but even if I did, he won the primary, he’s the one the Democrats wanted to run against Trump. Like I said, he’s not my first choice either, but he handily beat Sanders and…
Man, reading these lists makes me feel REALLY old! Having said that, my favorites are probably older than most of the commenters here.
I’m not offering anything, you’re making a bullshit argument that Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden are indistinguishable and I am telling you they aren’t.
It really isn’t hard to dispute that at all. Look, I’m not a fan of either Clinton or Biden, I voted for Sanders in the primary both times, but Trump had never held public office before and can barely string together a coherent thought, to argue that he’s basically the same as Clinton or Biden is being willfully…
Jesus. There’s lots of stuff named after him too.
I have no sympathy for anyone who chose to stay home rather than vote. There’s enough bullshit voter suppression laws on the books as it is, no reason why they should be making Republicans’ jobs even easier.
I agree with both of those points. My point is he NEVER had majority approval.
Electoral College. It’s a bitch.
Then remind them that the Americans elected this guy president.
I live in North Carolina and didn’t know about Wilmington until last year. Obviously they never mentioned that in school growing up.
“Diane LeFanu”
I was JUST about to post about how this is the most pretentious damn movie I have ever watched! I rented this back in 97 with a friend, we literally looked at each other and said “Christopher Walken is a can it be bad?” Ugh. Lily Taylor’s character is a philosophy grad student, the overly stylized,…
Triple Threat is currently streaming on Netflix
I remember China O’Brien was a mainstay of HBO back in the early 90s and my mom and I used to watch it together every time it was on. That movie was a blast, I always thought it was a shame Rothrock didn’t have a bigger career.
You are correct, it does not.
You are correct, it does not.
I don’t know about Final Fantasy. It’s pretty grindy and heavily luck based, since it’s a JRPG, but otherwise I agree. Crystalis is one of my favorites and I replayed it recently in one sitting, that’s why I mentioned it.
I don’t know about Final Fantasy. It’s pretty grindy and heavily luck based, since it’s a JRPG, but otherwise I…