
Contra and Bionic Commando are VERY short, since they are home versionss of arcade games (well Bionic Commando is kind of it’s own thing but I digress). Contra usually takes around 20 minutes and Bionic Commando maybe 45-60. Crystalis is a bit longer, being a Zelda clone, but I can beat it from start to finish in

Contra and Bionic Commando are VERY short, since they are home versionss of arcade games (well Bionic Commando is

Showing my age here, but I still break out the old NES emulator when I want an afternoon playthrough and my go to is usually Contra, Bionic Commando, or Crystalis depending on my mood.

Showing my age here, but I still break out the old NES emulator when I want an afternoon playthrough and my go to is

I was going to say the same thing.

“Johnny Cash’s Hurt” *shakes head

I am in no way saying that Howard didn’t write a ton of racist stuff in his stories, in fact I DID say that, but honestly I don’t know how you can say that Conan is somehow worse than Lovecraft, when Lovecraft wrote Herbert West:Reanimator and the truly sickening “On The Creation of N-words

And Lovecraft’s racism is

Gotta disagree with you there, you clearly haven’t read much of either Howard or Lovecraft. Howard’s Conan stories are problematic and racist, yes, but not anywhere close to being as bad as Lovecraft’s.

I’ve heard her name before and until now genuinely thought it was a porn star stage name.

The house has chicken legs.

You’ve clearly never worked in the restaurant industry.


I still have my Stone Throwing Devils card somewhere in the closet with the rest of my very old Magic cards. I don’t remember that one being particularly problematic.

Hey now, I never need a reason to yell at Michael Bay.

George Romero had nothing to do with Return of the Living Dead. You might be thinking of Dawn of the Dead or Day of the Dead.

Now playing

I love Chopping Mall and Scanners is one of my all time faves, but for my money, Maniac is the definitive head ‘splosion.


You and me both. Oddly enough, I just started diving back into GameFAQS because the PCSX2 just got a major update and I’ve can now play a bunch of my old PS2 games again.

First, the end time son of perdition will be revealed in a strong delusion in God’s temple in heaven.30 days later will be the huge invasion of the Gog/Magog war, which is Russia, China, Syria, and Iran successfully invading the rest of the world.That lasts for 1260 days, then the next 45 days consist of the death of

Came here to post How To Draw The Tick and I see you already took care of it. Excellent.

I have never seen it myself, but Iremember the absolute roasting it got in popular culture at the time (it was the butt of SO MANY SNL jokes)! But when it came out on video my dad rented it, saying that it couldn’t possibly be as bad as everyone says it is. My parents both said it was the worst movie they had ever

I know I’m showing my age here, but my comfort game is the old NES Bionic Commando. Sometimes I just want to zone out and play and I fire up an emulator and settle in. There’s something zen-like about the mechanics. If I’m not feeling like a Bionic Commando run, Contra is my other go to for the same reason.