
Satanic Panic is one of my favorite horror movies I’ve seen in a long time. I just finished watching We Summon the Darkness and, I don’t get all the love it’s getting. The twist was pretty obvious, I didn’t see the Christian angle coming, but I was certain that the women were the killers as soon as they met the guys.

He absolutely still includes his “Drive-In Totals” before each movie.

Not a super hero show. At all.

Iwant to second the idea of wholesale stealing ideas from other things. I used to agonize over making all my adventures original, but then I realized that the games that were most successful were the ones that I stole ideas from movies and video games. At first i was worried that my players would get annoyed when they

That’s so unbelievable, like there’s really such a thing as “Quibi.

Yeah, that story is what this is an adaptation of.

FFXII? Really? Having played every stateside release of the Final Fantasy series since the original NES version before this one, XII is the one that broke me. I quit the franchise after I struggled halfway through and at no point did I give a shit about ANY of the bland characters or terrible, terrible story. I even

Last Man on Earth was an adaptation of Richard Matheson’s I Am Legend, which Romero cited as the main influence on Night of the Living Dead. 

In fairness, the theme of the article was films similar to Mulan, which is a period/Wuxia film.

The article did make a passing reference to Yes, Madam, which also has Cynthia Rothrock .

Hey now, you can’t expect them to eat PROCESSED foods! That’s their health you’re talking about!

That’s because he already DID make that show. It’s called Nip/Tuck..

Reese’s eggs have the best peanut butter-to-chocolate ratio”

The “Nazi Human Chess Game” was pretty much stolen from the novel Carrion Comfort anyway. And that book came out 30 years ago.

Chocobo breeding gone wrong.

Man, Cloud is not breeding that Chocobo right.....

They need a holy symbol to turn that bitch!

i was going to point out the same thing.

Tess of the d’Urbervilles is my go to when anyone asks me which book I hate the most.

Can’t wait for someone to figure out how to run Doom on it.