Terror Bird

It's been so long, I don't think I'm gonna last.

Don't act like you don't know!

Back in the 90s, Full House was a very famous Tee-Vee show…

Pardon, but I wasn't questioning what the "threat" might be.

The new threat is going to bring us all into Shadow, just like in the past Silence was going to Fall, etc. Not falling for it anymore, Moffat — you've floated too many intriguing premises with pithy arc phrases that ended with a whimper.

Depends… if it explodes at night you might have a few hours' head start, and that might be enough.

Bible verses were quoted, so he can't comment on this thread, I think. He uses vampire rules.

There is no room in the movie's budget for that kind of cocaine. Or any cocaine, really. All he got was a case of discount Champagne and half a tin of bath salts (that turned out to be actual bath salts).

I figure most reality TV is variations on bum fights. They just find more the most telegenic bums and they don't let them use broken bottles as much (there could be children watching, think of the children!)

Yes, his expose on which bums were bumming the other bums was ratings gold.

Yeah, but only pussy liberals want that PBS BS.

It is a sobering thought, that when Mozart was Stephen Colbert's age, he had been dead for 16 years.

Oh good. I thought I might never get to see "Fear Her" or "Love & Monsters" again.

Taft liked pets a lot. He found them DELICIOUS.

Fair enough. Positive change would be preferable to the status quo. However, the status quo is (probably) going to be preferable to negative change — for example, electing someone who actively denies climate change, or who wants to rig the economy so it's even easier for the rich to build their wealth and influence at

I dunno, I thought it mainly dwelled on the ungodly love/hate relationship the media has with Trump — they hate him, but he does put eyes on screens, and the narratives they spin about him have to dance around this discordance.

It's just a show. You should really just relax.

I guess we're just lucky they didn't make him speak like Jar Jar.

The Drunken Botanist. This is extremely relevant to my interests.

Yo, check this out!