Terror Bird

SeinfeldToday, if the lore is to be believed, started off kind of funny but progressed quickly to spouting off uninspired, sometimes topical sitcom plots with Seinfeld characters shoehorned in.

B-, Good effort but had to take off points for spelling.

I would have posted even faster than you, but I spent too much time imagening what kind of smartphone each character would have.

Steven Moffat imagened if Sheerlok Homes modarn?


Small Gods is my favorite, with Thud! close behind. Reaper Man was the first one I read, so it will always have a special place in my heart.

Obviously you are the real victim here. I'm so sorry I have contributed to your ongoing oppression for being horrible.

And, you know, don't confuse me no buying the load of bollocks you're selling for "believing whatever you're told." Whether you personally think you're a decent person, you're aligning yourself with the scum of the Earth. Therefore, you may join them in earning my contempt.

Nah, the misogyny if from when you allied yourself with a misogynist movement. Go back to 4chan.

Sir Terry would not approve of you or your misogynist shenanigans.

See, and here I thought GamerGate was mostly about online harassment, intimidation, death and rape threats, doxxing, etc., etc., of their critics. I guess I was wrong!!!! Look at all the good you've supposedly done!!!!!

Well, GamersGaters learned their attitudes towards women from their Paleolithic ancestors, so on balance I think I'm still ahead of you.

It's actually about ethics in comment posting.

How can Wookiees even say "Kashyyyk?" The only noises they make are like "ARGWARARARARARAGH!"

I had the Raw Milk movement in the back of my mind. Although they're less right-wing and more (actual) libertarian.

Pasteurization is a Commie-Nazi plot!

That's an awful lot of page space dedicated to the fairly simple thesis of, "Guys! This movie might not actually be any good!"

Given that the budget on these shitty films is generally something like $1-2 million, we can at least take solace in the hope that they are neither of them being paid very much.

I've heard the argument from someone vaguely on the right (years ago and I don't recall where) that her outrageous statements were meant to be "funny" and not taken literally. So by that measureā€¦ maybe?

There's about a 4% false-conviction rate on death penalty cases. If you give someone life in prison in error, you can give them some of their life back. You kill an innocent person, you can't take it back.