
When I saw the preview for this I literally said "it's about goddamn time!!!" I get so frustrated with the Latin tropes. I get frustrated with the heavy Spanish accents played as a joke , I want to yell we don't all look like that, talk like that. Hell we're not all Mexican either. Im just excited to see a film about


"Y Tu Mama Tambien" wasn't about maids and Diego Luna was super hot in it.

Totally! Gloves give a FALSE sense of security. Cross contamination occurs far more frequently with glove wearers.
PLUS, according to current law, you must first wash your hands (anyway!) before you put on gloves and every single time you change gloves. Imagine that for a minute.
You know what's really dirty?

hahahaha. I kind of guessed he wasn't propositioning you, was just fascinated by being grilled about anal sex by a complete stranger. but this is the best possible answer either way.

Hahaha. I think we can all say that we would like to have partner who cooks and cleans for us, because other than those times when it is more like a hobby, doing both of those things on the regular is pretty tedious.

I guess the big difference here is that we're used to revering greedy rich white dudes and the women who marry them, but to do the same when the husband is black and the woman is on Keeping Up with the Kardashians? Oh, well, that's a new low.

Woman in coffee shop: Um... I would like a tall black coffee.... also um... does the coffee have like wheat gluten in it...

Thanks for posting that link! I'm looking forward to checking it out. :)

While we're on the subject of religious experiences for atheists, Bill Moyers did a special series with Joseph Campbell back in the 80's, called The Power of Myth, in which Campbell lays out comparative mythologies that are shared among all human

I used to work in a bookstore. There was the usual stuff, like people asking for the "non-fiction" section and then getting distressed when we asked them what kind, specifically. (History, biography, self-help...? There's no sign that says "non fiction"!)

"We believe your science show isn't giving enough weight to the possibility that there's an invisible person in the sky who's kind of a dick, and leaves false evidence to mislead us about the true nature of the universe, which is documented in this book that doesn't make any sense or correlate with things we can

When my mother was sexually assaulted at her home and called 911, one of the cops who came to take her statement and collect evidence saw photos of me and my sister and asked my mom if we were single and could she set him up with me (I was single).

I'm going to reply to susieq here because she brought up an interesting point about "bad apples." As a social psychologist those words are like nails on a chalkboard. The old journalism saying is "twice is a coincidence, three times is a trend." It's the same for group psychology. If it's happened this much in the

I was having a similar conversation recently about walking to my car through a dark parking structure at night. I mentioned that my father always wants me to ask a security guard in my office to walk me out but that I would rather walk alone as I am convinced that a security guard is just as likely to rape me, alone

Contact with police officers is to be avoided at all costs. They are violent, fearful bullies who view US, society, as the enemy. Never call the police, in any situation - it will only deteriorate into gunplay (or only a beating and an arrest, if you're lucky). I've never had a positive interaction with a police

"It Happened Again"

It was so great finding out there really WAS something going on, and better yet that I could do something about it!

i am having an awful week/1st quarter and suffer from major depressive disorder. these videos literally got me out of bed today. thank you.

Like the gal in the top video, I'm one of those late transitioners. I started at 37 - after a lifetime of doing anything and everything that I could to deny what I was. I knew it at seven, even knew what I needed to do *then*, and I still spent 30 years fighting it.

Three years ago, I began to unpack the baggage,

I GOT FLAGGED AGAIN. Who is the behind this??? Someone who not only refuses a debate but wants to fucking silence me? HELL TO THE NO.