This is so horrifying, I can barely handle it. I hope this poor girl is ok, and that she will seek out any support she needs. I applaud her cool head and courage in seeking out an authority figure to help!
This is so horrifying, I can barely handle it. I hope this poor girl is ok, and that she will seek out any support she needs. I applaud her cool head and courage in seeking out an authority figure to help!
So impressed with this young woman but I have to say it breaks my heart a little that when she reached the point of being uncomfortable she, for whatever reason, didn't call him out on it, loudly, on the plane. I do fear we are still teaching our daughters to be too polite even when it's not warranted.
Holy fucking Christ. When I was 12 I found myself in the windowless office a court psychologist during a custody hearing who started asking me about boys, my breast development and bras, and how my periods were going. After that, I was paranoid about ever finding myself in a situation where I was in an enclosed space…
"Just drink the regular thing!"
Look, I'm no great fan of artificial sweeteners, but, as a diabetic, I do like occasionally having a drink option other than plain water or black coffee. You know, we're part of the reason diet slurpees, in spite of their consistency issues, even exist — the diabetic community requested…
Because at its core, Plan B isn't really different than traditional oral contraceptives. It's just a higher dose of the same stuff. Heck, when I was a teenager and went to Planned Parenthood, they gave me something like 12 birth control pills to take (6 at one time, then 6 a few hours later) because at the time,…
I have worked with Gloria for years and just want to say for the record, Terry approached her at an event as asked for a photo and she said yes, because she ALWAYS says yes to photos (when she can). She had no idea who he is. Just so y'all know.
Because women, period, can't be sexually assaulted by anyone, anywhere, without the police accusing them of lying so they don't have to deal with them. The whole "perfect rape victim" thing is a convenient myth—every rape victim is a dirty slut who asked for it equally, whether she got date-raped while she was drunk…
If there were such things as time machines, the first thing I would use one for would be to go back and see Talking Heads perform. I mean David Byrne is awesome, but I would kill to see the whole band play.
I think about how that's going to carry forward into our twilight years. We'll be in old folks homes with "Bleach" blasting as we sit in our rocking chairs, and I really love that idea.
Well obviously, women should arrange every aspect of their lives around the idea that could be raped at any moment. Except by being wary of strange men and rebuffing them if they approach you. That's MISANDRY!
I think it'd be easy to criticize the school but, in fairness, I think we all remember that bit in the bible when Jesus, dying on the cross, says "One last thing before I go, remember to be complete and total dicks to innocent little kids whenever you have the chance. Peace out, losers."
My college aged daughter texted me part of her music appreciation final.....Ramones, Grateful Dead, Talking Heads. I responded that it hardly seemed fair as these were her bedtime lullabies.
Your monkey will go to heaven. Just sayn'.
Attention: This here is the thread where we get nostalgic over late 80s early 90s music. I start with Pixie's Debaser.
"I'm bomb at this on Guitar Hero."
The guy in the red shirt (Adam) is my patronus/whatever you want to call it. Somebody, make GIFs, please!