
Why does it say Catherine the Great (Isabella of Spain)? They are not the same person, even a little bit.

So are you so it all evens out.

Sometimes we need to sound things out to get a handle on them. It seems like maybe you just needed to sort it out visually.

I'm having such a hard time responding to you. I'm glad that you feel okay. I'm concerned about your mention of needing to be more in control of yourself. I'm concerned about the black out you drifted in and out of. I'm sorry. I don't know you. But if you were my friend, I would be really upset (not at you!). Well,

You are absolutely entitled to feel however you want. I'm not going to define your experience or reactions. But it is really disturbing to me that you came to in tears and in pain and he didn't stop.

I found out over Thanksgiving that my cousin, a classically trained opera singer (bass), is now a TSA agent in North Carolina. I just don't even get it. I'm also pretty sure he shouldn't be judging people based on instinct considering that his daughter was a big surprise he found out about two months after she was

Happy Ashton will now be my go to video for cheering up. The sheer fucking joy as he becomes himself, the amazing smiles, the sexy voice.

Awful. Generic beats, bad speed, repetitive but not in a good inspiring way. If this was a dj at burning man I would find a different club. If this was at a real club I would leave because the dj is obviously not spending money on good music. Lyrics should emphasize music not the other way!

You started my Sunday morning off by making me cry but in a good way. Sometimes I worry that I've crossed over some line of crazy. But there is someone else that does it. And if you are posting on here, it means you aren't locked up away from people which means that I'm probably not as far gone as I feel sometimes.

Blah blah blah. Cry more bratty.

Dude, read all the responses next time. You are a very sad, angry man and nothing you say matters. Your life is pathetic or you wouldn't feel the need to try to hurt people on the internet. You are the sort of person with zero empathy so it confuses you when people speak out for groups of which they are not a part.

I'm a size 6 smoker. You are still on pooper scooper duty for old people. I win!

It manifests for me as crippling fear of leaving my apartment. If I really, really need to go somewhere I bring my dog. Or I go with my bf and and have to do birth breathing while crushing his hand until we get home or I get a drink. It's really fucking awful. When I'm deep in it (it isn't constant yet, I hope it

Dun dun dun! Verrrrrrry dramatic Dr. Oh wait, I'm sorry, you clean bed pans? Stun me with your medical expertise and serious anecdata. A bushel of old smokers trumps every thing!

This right here is why I hate Katy Perry.

I'm a smoker and a mouth breather. I think I know how I will die.

Sexy party time!

I love GoT, both tv and books. I love Jon Snow. I cried when [book readers know all the awful stuff]. But I just don't get the Kit Harrington love. I think he was miscast. And unrelated to that, I really don't think he's cute. I see Brooding Rsting Face as Sad Sack Resting Face and I do not believe that the other

You should be.

Well obviously not with my "formal" comments. I think you may also want to reread what you just wrote and then go look up the definition of straw man. And if you "rescue" animals but don't know the difference between a feral cat and an abused cat, I wish you would stop.