Thank you! I was right there with her and then she said "urban."
Thank you! I was right there with her and then she said "urban."
"You can" is not the same as "normal." You can get blood clots from birth control pills, but that doesn't mean it's normal. And, I already addressed the hormone issue. So, I guess my point is, if you don't own a uterus, and you've never taken one, stop spreading bad info.
I think you might be confusing plan b and the abortion pill. It is not normal or expected to bleed for ten days after taking plan b. That sounds more like the result of a chemical abortion (which plan b is NOT able to do. If you are already fertilized it does nothing).
I was a sex worker for three years. I have never been treated better by customers. But different types of sex work have very different experiences. Stripping and waiting tables are essentially the same, stress wise. And you get treated like shit by just about everybody. I've never done porn, but if she says her…
It doesn't induce a period. It doesn't change your cycle, if you are really sensitive to hormones you might get spotting but all it is is a super strong dose of birth control pills. I say this having used plan b over a dozen times since it became available. If you get messed up by birth control pills, you will react…
Sitting in a biker bar crying. Didn't even have the sound up. Seeing his mom talk, saying "Happy" over and over. Damn.
I had a bus driver do this to me once. She thought I flipped her off. She "saw" it in the mirror. She did eventually get fired because she was horrible to me for months after that incident. But the physical force was apparently okay.
Depends on where you are kissing.
Says the guy who doesn't understand the word privilege.
Like so many fads today I finds myself yelling "We had this in the 90s!" Specifically, treasure candles that had multiple little toys and figurines in them. Not wrapped on foil either, just in the wax.
Or you could use google. Look, I get that you were "trying" but your whole approach was "well they'll just get mad at me so why be precise." Cis refers to people like me, born physically and mentally as a woman. Cis-normative is the description of a culture in which cis people are considered the default. The reason…
Yes! This was the first thing I looked for when I opened the article.
Oh god. I finally finished Wheel a few months ago. Couldn't remember half if what was going on but it didn't really matter. You get a few clues here and there but I just really needed to know exactly how it would end. It wasn't terrible. But it wasn't great either.
My shelter mutt can eat anything. Literally anything. Condoms, tampons, chocolate, wood. I once pulled the top part of a flip flop out of her butt when it got stuck halfway out. She ripped open bf's backpack and got ahold of a huge pot cookie once. Had a four hour nap and right as rain. Indestructible.
Um the phrase "cis-normal" is pretty transphobic itself. Cis is sufficient. To hyphenate it with the word "normal" is both insulting to people that are not cis, and its also incorrect use of the terminology.
Not selfish! The first time I had to cut someone out of my life I was 12. And it was the father I'd had since I was 2. And I was forced to do it face to face. For people that have to do this shit early in life it's a lot easier when it's "just" a friend. You had to make a hard decision early, and you survived. The…
Ooh two examples from how long ago? We could poll the comments in this article ALONE and find half a dozen people who were molested as children. But you keep crying about false allegations. Because let me tell you, it is SO MUCH fun to lose your family because everyone knows dad/uncle/family friend would never do such…
It wasn't pejorative. It was an accurate descriptor. The few pictures I've seen her legs and torso don't look that bad to me but her arms look concentration camp adjacent. And "not that bad to me" is coming from the position that although I'm a good weight for my height now, I used to be skeletal. Count every rib and…
An elementary school I went to for less than a year (verbal abused by teacher and bus driver, both got fired) if you didn't have money, you didn't eat. There was no PBJ, no milk, nothing. You got there early enough to grab a free breakfast or you didn't eat.
Are we allowed to rag on her for being a ribbon dancer?