
All the other bullshit aside, as a company their actions do sometimes seem dedicated to education and equality. I also say this because the neighborhood they chose to roll out Google fiber was my neighborhood in Kansas City. Unfortunately I moved juuuuuuust before it was going into homes. But they gave fiber to all

A hahahaha. Yes! I miss it, :) I was a bar in Reno a few months ago and this guy asked to use my lighter. I got so excited I jumped up and yelled Pittsburgher! There are apparently like 10 of us here.

Do you know what I would give if wearing pony tails really did thin your hair out? I could knit sweaters with my hair, big chunky Irish pullovers.

It's not heavy buts it's Pittsburgh. There are certain ways of slurring and swallowing sounds that pop up in my speech when I'm tired. Becawse and abaat were my first two "Oh yeah"s. And inflections, yinzers go dahn STirs and everyone else goes down stairs.

This could totally be my grandmother. Even down to city of origin (if that's not a yinzer Pittsburgh accent I'll eat my hat). Hell, if her voice was a little higher and one if my cousins had finally come out I would assume it actually was Grandma. When my parents found out I was stripping ten years ago there were

Great example!

This happened in the 80s in Pittsburgh. A brand came out called china white and it killed a bunch of people who didn't know the strength.

Ugh. So when ONE poorly raised boy made an issue of this girl using the bathroom, instead of disciplining him and using it as a teaching moment, they made this poor girl even more of an outlier by making her use the faculty restroom. +1 for not forcing her to use the boys but -20 for catering to an ELEMENTARY school

He changed his mind! He's all about the internet now.

Yup. Which leads me to believe that the author of this piece still doesn't get WHY blurred lines was so awful. Yeah objectification but mostly rape.

It's not just the drugs themselves that will kill you. One of my high school boyfriends was shot and killed in East St. Louis when he was 19. He was there buying drugs. I'm sure an OD would have been somewhere on his path. He started with the opiates when he was 14. Just a few times a week. And he had every advantage,

Iowans are the best people. My sister went to college in Iowa City and every time I went there I had a ball. I also dated a musician that played a few VERY small towns in Iowa and I had a great time then too. I loathe the Midwest, but I fucking love Iowa.

As a retired non trafficked sex worker I'm with you. It's really frustrating and condescending. I have definitely seen clients that have also seen trafficked women. They pretend not to know because it's easier for them that way. Cracking down on ALL sex workers screws ALL sex workers, whether voluntary or not. I was

You are 24 and obviously white. Yer dumb no1curr.

They are called FINGERCUFFS. Have you never seen Chasing Amy or actually been a child?

So, you can't actually argue with the premise, so you turn to insults. Do you feel better now? Just admit you don't know anything about Skyrim and get over it. You are incorrect, and all the silly personal attacks won't change that. Chocolate makes your brain feel good too. That doesn't mean that chocolate and video

Well that happened.

I am happy for all of the people for whom this issue is about the evil capitalist photographer. It means that you have never been thrown into a bookshelf by someone you love. You've never wondered if this time you might actually die. You've probably never made excuses about bruises or listened from the other room

Um, if you think there is anything "instant" about gratification in Skyrim, I suggest you try it. They are not even remotely similar in amount of attention required, amount/type of skill required, and amount of time required. I have candy crush, and about six other similar games on my iPad to play during load screens

Oh no the typo police! Feel better now kid?