Terrible TV

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That’s a scary-looking wreck and I’m glad this guy is okay. His world record run from the London Olympics is a beautiful and absolutely dominating racing performance.

My girlfriend on long car trips loves to play the “Name all 32 NFL teams”-game.

Dude! Mad Season, River of Deceit is some real hardcore fucking grunge. Most non 90's enthusiasts have never heard how sad and droning the 90's could really sound! 

Whoa hey us Gen Xers are just trying to get out of here alive, we have zero opinions on anybody

Also planning to hug your wife tonight.

I bet all his tweets go viral.

That would encourage teams to foul endlessly whenever they’re in position for a decent look. Foul until the other team takes a bad look, and live with it.

But it worked in Brockway, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook!

No, for as Jesus said, “Love the fetus. Hate the child. And forget not that the job creators are my chosen people. He who taxeth but one of them shall not see the kingdom of heaven.” Honestly, Lazarus, I figured you of all people would remember this stuff.

Needs to play inside the rule of law and show more discipline. Too eager to make friends with dictators. Ravenous appetite for fast food can also bring unwanted gastrointestinal trouble. Willingness to default to playground bullying style appears to limit his ability to be taken seriously. Needs to improve

Or when the petting motion starts by raising a hand above the child’s head.

I would rather watch the same five Dodd’s Furniture commercials over and over again until the end of the year than deal with the non-stop bullshit political ads (even on during football -- is nothing sacred?!) telling me that Richard Cordray personally poisoned the milk of every child in the state. (I live in Ohio. I

I’m going to be unpopular and disagree on this. It’s common practice that the bachelor isn’t going to be paying for anything, and costs are going to be split among the other guys. Drew’s on the hook for his share.

I met Tucker Max once and he was easily the least charming human being I have ever met

There’s not going to be any revolt. Most Americans are completely unaware of this mass inequality. Their idea of being current on politics is yelling on Facebook about who is flying a flag and how high, and whether or not people are standing in front of it or kneeling in front of it.

When I came home from my second deployment, I got a rehab assignment to work with the MD guard recruiters. My job was to take the hmmwv to the stadium on sudays, park it in lot O, and set up small games for kids to play. This was stupid for a number of reasons, the main one being very few people are dumb enough to


Ben McAdoo looks like he comes to your garage sale and buys all your 2XL windbreakers from the 1980s and asks if you can lower your price on the Titanic VHS boxset.

I’m a special education teacher in a state that used to take education seriously until our governor decided education was a dirty word and it is amazing how many people are flat out just leaving or not even going into education because its just not fucking worth it.