Go play with your stuffed animals. Nintendo is for big boys and girls, not mouthy cunts who can’t handle Mario Kart.
Go play with your stuffed animals. Nintendo is for big boys and girls, not mouthy cunts who can’t handle Mario Kart.
If you were actually good, you’d bitch a bit to yourself but earn the 3-star trophies after a few tries anyway. But instead, you’re just a piece of shit.
If you’re going to be into ridiculous monster movies, that’s the sort of sick shit that needs to happen. Imagine the rewatchability factor for drunk, high dorm rats. Those little fuckers would never stop their awkward giggling.
I want a remake of Batman vs Superman with Bill Murray as Batman and John Goodman as Superman.
Skyrim looks like it came out on the N64 originally.
If she’s a writer, then why “felt-like-erasure” instead of “felt like erasure”? Fake news!
Everyone loves Skyrim, and that shit practically looks like it belongs on the N64.
Great. Now Trump’s gonna need a new executive order to keep those TRAPPIST fuckers out.
Sheriff White Knight fo sho
This one goes out to all the ladies out there. Stay moist.
This one goes out to all the ladies out there. Stay moist.
Yeah but he paid Rosa Parks’s rent for 10 years
Well I hope they’re ready to stop ruining their internal organs with their morbid obesity. and people’s nostrils with their funk.
Did you just assume Thor’s gender? ;)
Slutty girls should be shamed. Dirty, dirty sluts.
Westbrook is an angry little leprechaun bitch. I’ve never seen someone work so hard to get so many stats, yet turn the ball over so many times. If he wasn’t such a god damn ball hog when KD was there, they may have had a title already. And even if they didn’t, Durant would have had a reason to stay.
He likes to play “hide the pork sword in the escort”.
It’s gentrifying. There’s so much to transform, but I came back to visit Detroit after living out of state since 2009 I was stunned at how much had already transformed. There’s a strip of shops downtown that resembles a smaller Miracle Mile in Chicago. There are articles about rent in the City of Detroit becoming too…