
Yep. There are insecure bigger girls out there who are lashing back against thin culture in this equally damaging way. As a long-time Tumblr user I see this a lot. "All the right curves in all the right places" just places a different and equally hard to achieve body ideal that puts down rake-thin girls as well as big

Ugh. These kinds of proposals are such a pet peeve of mine. Does your proposal HAVE to involve lying, stringing along, general deception? So that at the end your intended gets to be like, hee hee boy was I fooled, everyone got to see how dumb and clueless I was, and oh you filmed it?? Fantastic.

But she bought him a CAR. Wanting Pumpkin to get closure by meeting with her sister's rapist is iffy enough, but okay, okay, let me do a few mental gymnastics and I can sort of get there. BUT she expects us to forget she went on holiday with McDaniel and Alana, and she bought McDaniel a car (allegedly with Anna's

All this cheating! I myself just got cheated on, and I was intending on marrying him too. The world seems like a pretty horrible place now. Tissues for everyone!

He came out to have a good time and he's honestly feeling so attacked right now. :(

What is Bill Cosby even courting attention for? Is he promoting something, has anything going on? Hannibal Buress made the rape accusations jump back into the spotlight so recently, I would've expected him to lay low for the next few

I think it's the high-contrast filter blurring out her facial features and drawing focus to the frowny eyes. I've always felt that her brusque, sharp eyebrow style does her no favours.

Really?? Viagra makes women horny?

My parents had separate blankets! When I moved in with dudefawn, I was like pssshhh one blanket is great, we can cuddle skin-to-skin, who doesn't like cuddling? It took only a week before I was bowing to the wisdom of my parents. Separate blanket 4eva.

I'm wondering this too! Same problem.

As someone who just got cheated on (well...I just found out, but it had been going on a year) this hits a nerve. He was lying to both of us and I could never blame her, but she just texted him 2 weeks after the whole thing blew up, and asked if he still wanted to be friends. Is that fucking weird or what?

I know his feminism is contested in the way he writes certain female characters on his shows, and I'm not going to argue that, but I would just like to point out that the actress he fired for being pregnant was actually fired for not informing them of the pregnancy until the last minute when they were preparing to

Yeah, but the article was based on an interview he gave recently, which is a nice reinforcing gesture of anti-misogyny from the other team.

Well...on the plus side, in the same news cycle we have prominent, super-successful nerd Joss Whedon chalking one up for the side of not-afraid-to-be-called-feminists.

"Jezebel posters"? Like....you? You ARE posting on Jezebel, aren't you?

Bah. Must be too fancy for the likes of me :( I didn't even realise long gloves were a fashion thing that still happens, even in this age of manicures and Purell.

I see! Thanks guys. <3

Hey guys? Sorry I hate to post something irrelevant to the article, but I'm new here and I'm trying to figure Kinja out. Why are some people black and some people grey? And I have posted comments that start out grey but suddenly become black. But other comments stayed grey? How does all this work? Thanks!

Is Samantha Ronson trying to find a new dealer via twitter or is she just making a vague existentialist expression? Is Shia Labeouf pulling quotes from a dictionary? Do people actually still wear long gloves to events?

I'm going to give the mother the benefit of the doubt here, because if I had to live 6 or 7 years (or however old that kid is) with a screaming little devil, I would be PRETTY on edge myself. Add to the mix someone who was openly judging me for having a kid who won't behave? I'd sure do things I'd regret later.

Is this what Usher is reduced to? Lol. I remember when he was a huge music mogul. Why would anyone even think to invite a hiphop artist to, not perform, but read stories to kids? I feel like this article needs some context.