
'Cause dry kibble is sprayed with addictive animal digest. Very common problem, and not your fault at all. Have you tried sprinkling dry food over the wet food so it smells like the addictive stuff? That could encourage a gradual change in tastes.

Why do you have to rule half out? Are you only into dating men significantly taller than you, because I'm fairly certain 80% of men are at least 5'8. And I don't think there's anything weird going for men an inch or two shorter. In fact, a shorter guy having the confidence to date a taller girl is 100x better than an

-deep breath-

The slimmest possibility that I might, maybe, hopefully have hair like that someday has just poofed away all my fears about getting old and creaky. That hair is just GLORIOUS.

Now everybody knows he's the type of hyper-sexed perv whose weener equates tight clothing with nudity on a regular enough basis that it's seeped into whatever conscious thought made him think that legislating yoga pants was a worthwhile human activity. Way to expose yourself, old boy! (no pun intended) (unless you

Is it cool to call America one of the least developed first world countries these days or nah? This is some unbelievable shit. It's like, "fuck women sideways, up and down and all around". Tough to get contraceptives, can't get an abortion, can't give birth at home, can't get L&D services, NOPE FUCK YOU, you can drive

Oh, and the tooth wasn't there when I hurled. It may still be rattling around in my gastrointestinal system for all I know.

The grossest thing I have eaten is....MYSELF.

Lies! Durian smells and tastes lovely and I am totally the kind of sensory wimp who won't cook if I have to chop onions, smell fresh fish, or touch ~raw meat~.

Retroflexed uterus?

Oh, Madonna. The not-so-subtle "remember when I had boobs like that?". Madonna, the unrepentant rebel, the survivor of too much, the believer in the impossible, the breaker of glass ceilings, the ultimate pop culture bad girl. Madonna has a massive problem with aging. WHY.

Yes, he had the right to create art and put it out there. But look at the context. He is a massive pop culture figure idolised by young people. What he puts out there is going to be consumed by them, his target audience, and is going to form a part of their psyche experience. He didn't make any effort at all to

I would tend to agree with the sentiment, but also argue that he should keep that form of therapy to himself, personal raps he doesn't release. Putting them all out there in the social consciousness does a lot more harm than good in normalizing hatred for women.

Today's teenagers are still Eminem fans? I am a decade removed from teenagerhood and I still remember boys I used to regard as "oldies" (as in, me being 14 and them being 18) riding the Eminem bandwagon.

But ain't that the truth. *ugly sobbing*

Wow, the point just sailed over a whole herd of fedora-ed heads. Love the un-ironic "mi lady" in there too.

My thoughts exactly.

"Take a little of that responsibility off of the woman" Sadface.

Where's the fund to counsel/slap some sense into Katy Perry? She can't stay away from douches that all have a particularly loud and super proud brand of douchosity.

Douche-to-English translation: "SMILE, girl."