
good idea. all of the women who would’ve had this procedure to terminate their non-viable pregnancies because their fetuses were found to have severe defects can just carry to term and give birth! so easy, right? then they can drop off their baby that has either died immediately after being born or will probably not


Welcome to abusive relationships, my friend. When you're ready to get out, you will. Just know this- you are not alone, and you deserve better...whether you believe it or not. One of the first things they do (a lot of times with our help, bless our hearts) is isolate us from friends and family. Hopefully your

Sadly, it often gets very thin after menopause. So you might get the colour, but the volume? Probably not.

I save puppies! I have fostered 17 puppies who were on the kill list at shelters. There's no article about me. But here's one of my babies!

Yeah, her heart's in the right place, but implying that the woman has any responsibility at all in this situation shows just how deeply rape culture is ingrained in our society.

I know what she was TRYING to say, "To stop blaming women and start holding people accountable when consent isn't obvious or possible" but that's NOT what she said.

He's definitely touring. He'll be in SC in February. Not sure if there will be protests, though I'd definitely be joining them if they arrange something.

Folks started talking once the latest Cosby biography left out the rape claims. A rant from stand-up comedian Hannibal Buress contributed to the fire. News in January that NBC was teaming with Cosby for a new sitcom also brought the allegations back to the forefront.

Uh. Saying "keep your opinions about someone's birth plan to yourself WHATEVER THEY MAY BE" is sanctimonious? I don't think that word means what you think it means.

This is a pretty retarded reading of the study. This is why Jezebel shouldn't play with science. The basic idea is that parents of multiple children are more 'productive'? Wouldn't they have to be? Why is that a surprise? They have more motivation. You also buried the lede about females with young children

stop trying to make FACE happen

Isn't Joss's feminism kind of old news, though? I'm not complaining, of course...

It is her right to do and say what she pleases. But just saying "I'm not a feminist" with no elaboration implies that she has an incorrect notion of what it means, and/or that she's categorically rejecting the concept as a whole. And that is not good.

HA! I wondered those exact things.