A lot of conclusions will be drawn from this story, but the only logical one is that Notre Dame is going undefeated next year.
Bob Lobel had a great sports show on channel 4 in the mid 90s that would often have Bob Ryan and (ugh) Dan Shaughnessy on as a guests. Once they were talking about ... I don’t know, some Boston sports bullshit. Ryan just gets the most exasperated look on his face and says “Screw the fans. That’s what they’re doing.…
I honestly hope that is exactly what happens, just because the team deserves the fanbase (or lack thereof) that they’re creating. St. Louis might be perfectly capable of supporting the rams, but at this point one would hope that the city is also smart enough to NOT put money into their pockets.
It is a huge surprise that the Colts decided to stick with Chuck Pagano as head coach—he’s been a dead man walking…
Transformers as a GAME is...passable. As an exercise in genuine fanservice, though, it’s one of the all-time greats.
Cleveland.com’s Mary Kay Cabot is reporting tonight the Browns are planning to fire head coach Mike Pettine and…
Yeah, I’m surprised they didn’t do something more drastic. I totally agree with you. He should be beaten and/or killed.
I want to make clear that the staff does not unanimously support the assertion here that the pastry that raccoon is eating is a donut.
Auburn just put the finishing touches on a 31-10 victory over Memphis in the Birmingham Bowl, but according to some…
This, from AP shooter Andy Clayton-King, is a hell of a photo (as noted by ESPN’s ESPN on NFL Twitter account).
True - my b-day is Feb. 1st, and I actually talked my parents into leaving the Christmas tree up until my birthday one year...festive, and quite a fire hazard!
Reader Brandon sent me a list of every Gronk description on Deadspin a while back, which I’ve updated since then. Here’s everything we have:
Rob Gronkowski, who will bleed Grey Goose if you cut him, had quite a year. After the Patriots won the Super Bowl,…
I don’t think I get as irrationally angry about anything as I do about clicking (un-labeled) deadcast links. The listicle was invented for a reason.
These Browns fans thought they were going to capture a triumphant victory over the hated Baltimore Ravens, with the…
The funniest thing about Kobe Bryant’s retirement “announcement” yesterday is that Kobe Bryant was clearly the last…