Tentacle, Dutchman, no longer drives French

Although I realize there are exceptions, when it comes to the vast majority of farmers, I feel confident that I can express this statement unequivocally and without any hesitation:

I watched Dark Angel when it was originally on and rewatched it about ten years later, and I don’t remember him. Did he play Logan? I had to Google him and I didn’t even recognize him. Jensen Ackles has taken much better care of himself.

I think about that a lot. But as this oral history shows, he wasn’t always the same guy we saw on TV, and who knows what really goes on in a person’s head. Maybe something was up and he decided to check out on his own terms. Maybe he just slid into a funk that he couldn’t see his way out of. We’ll never know. 

You’re forgetting the most recent incident when he beat up his own dad (Max’ grandfather).

Except in a significant way it is not his past indiscretions that are hindering him, it is his present responses to them.

It would not have happened. You’re forgetting Hillary would have faced a GOP-controlled Congress that would be out for blood.


need to do some diligence on this but found it in a trump twit thread and love it

UK Update:

Nice stock market you have there.  It would be a shame if something happened to it...

I saw my favorite MAGA acronym exploder today:

and shivering.

Somewhere, the ghost of an ostrich is laughing its ass off.

Somehow this sounds like a good way to get accessory drug charges.

Maybe the person Trump shoots will be Giuliani

I like this new direction of suing the offenders for defamation. It turns the tables and forces them to prove they didn’t do it. They have to prove it is a lie. The GOP effectively neutralized all of their weapons they used to vilify the left by electing DJT. He is worse than any charge or accusation they can possibly

Or release his tax returns.

Horses love donuts!

Thought about that idea, but that was with the purpose of getting original air in the tires of a vintage motorcycle. You know, some people tend to be a bit fanatical when it comes to things being all original, and there may be a market here. Or maybe not.

I wonder how much the insurance company will pay him.