Tentacle, Dutchman, no longer drives French

Given how very inexpensive a lot of electronic products are I am really dubious about that 3.8 billion cost.

Ok everyone, in chorus:

Check this article on Ars Technica: https://arstechnica.com/space/2024/08/its-official-nasa-calls-on-crew-dragon-to-rescue-the-starliner-astronauts/

Now, it’s emerged that the harsh realities of reentry mean that Boeing may never truly find out what went wrong with Starliner.

This may be a strange sight for most Americans, but for older Europeans, who grew up seeing Citroën DSes, GSes, SMs,CXes, BXes, Xantias and XMs, height adjusting / self-levelling “hydro-pneumatic” suspension was normal. (Suspension based on hydraulics and spheres with compressed nitrogen.)

I’m not so sure about the guy being a terrible shot.

Now playing

This isn’t doing it for me. Electric motors have a hum that will increase in volume and pitch to a scream. Work with that!

Ugly or beautiful? Art is about more than just that. I mean, I’m a fan of the Nissan R34 GTR. Is it a beautiful car? I don’t think so, but there is a certain brutality to its looks that I really like.

Try regarding this as rolling art. It’s how I see it, a fully functional mechanical sculpture.

I don’t have US$ 80k at hand.

Yes, this positively reeks!

There’s no sound on earth like an engine buzzing like a late F1 V10. Give it a shot, what could it hurt?

Outrage!1 OUTRAGE!!! What the fu...

Please let this is a Prank.

And that’s just the tip of the proverbial ice berg. How the clutch works is just effing black magic! Halfway down the track a top fuel engine is self-igniting the nitromethane-methanol mixture, so it is in fact dieseling. There is so much interesting technical stuff going on.

their exclusion from modern auto racing is a travesty for livery design. Don’t smoke, kids.

Fair point! If this hadn't been the actual weekend of the 24 hours of Le Mans, I wouldn't have made the point, to be honest.

The by-line of this item reads:

Watching the 24 hours of Le Mans right now.

The test found that the astronaut’s response times dropped in space, but the researchers admitted that this could also have been because the participants were distracted by the majesty of the cosmos.