Well, to put this into perspective, I once read American Psycho. I started to hate the book quite quickly, mainly because of how annoyingly descriptive the main character is. Zero fucks were given if some guy would wear a single or double breasted suit. At the same time I understood that, to the main character, it was…
What, Monaco has runoffs now????
Bluetooth in cars horrible?
Ok, So I have a phone that is Bluetooth connected to the car and I can (and do) take the occasional call while keeping both hands on the steering wheel and both eyes on the road and its users. All the required buttons for taking and making calls are on the wheel.
It has to do with Japanese companies being held accountable, or at least the promise to do more of that. Takata isn’t quite the good example here.
She refers to https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinzō_Ab… the prime minister of Japan. This has nothing to do with Abe Lincoln, if that’s how you drag the GOP into this.
You might want to rethink that. Once you turn mom/dad, the amount of game-time will plummet for quite a while.
Reading it? You mean you don’t know that there are 2 more books featuring Moist? (Making Money and Raising Steam) I envy you, having unread Pratchett books left.
A star for using one of Pratchett’s Discworld characters so apt!
Dat lean / body roll!!
Given all that he has shown us, coming up to this point, I’d give a resounding Yes to your question.
Came here to post this! There was some really serious out-of-the-box thinking going on here. Not only did it have counter rotating cranks, mounted longitudinally in the bike frame, it also had a hybrid throttle control: two throttle bodies were direct wire controlled, the other two were electronically controlled,…