
it seems that episode of her podcast has been...deleted?

call me when ‘yaaas bernie’ drops.

i find it easier to not be religious and take rational approaches to forgiveness and whether or not certain behavior should or should not be tolerated based on cause and effect/common sense. it seems depressing to constantly have to go back to an ancient, dubiously sourced book and play these sorts of mental


just christians using christ words to justify their christian behavior.

it’s perfectly fine that people like this band for whatever reason. i’m not even talking about people who actually like this band though.

why don’t you provide some evidence for what you want us to believe then?

it’s really coming off like you only actually read about 30% of the words that you look at.

i’m affected because i look around and their are so many crappy things that are popular because they make a cool tshirt or because someone in the band was on a t.v. show, rather than the music actually being good. i’m also sad for the great, hard working bands who dont have the benefit of unearned popularity.

you cherry picked a lot of words that were and were not in my last comment, but let me try to put this as simply as possible without accusing you of being in “tenth grade”.

it’s all part of the “I AM SUCH A HARDCORE FAN OF THIS BAND I CRY ABT IT AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH PORTLANDIA” narrative. try-hards over-trying.

wait i have no problem with you. you’re honest with yourself about why you like this band, and that’s fine. you are seriously the first person i have ever heard admit to hearing about this band because of portlandia. everyone else seems to be an OG fan, which is just obviously bullshit.

haha i’m trolling. i’m trolling. relax.

oh wait i didn’t realize this was a burner. am i talking to fred armisen????

let me re-explain here, because you seem pretty obsessed with your riot grrrl cred for someone who claims not to care.

you’ve never met a poser.

all i am trying to say is there are clearly a lot of disingenuous people claiming career-spanning fandom for this band when there can’t be all that many if you look at the numbers. people grabbing for riot grrrl cred when they probably only ever read about them in a blog post about portlandia. they were not getting

okay you and everyone in your anecdotal experience gets a pass. i think you overlooked my point about past record sales vs. the huge hype we’re seeing now.

ok i have to confess i love this guy though^^^ his open corruption. his love for katy perry. his downton abbey office. he really put a fun spin on my home state’s slimy political tradition.