
i feel like there is just as much if not more impropriety going on between male staffers and GOP congressmen.

they are seriously grating and i think the denial that they didn’t become one of the biggest rock bands in the country because of portlandia’s success is a true phenomenon. their last record sold 59,000 copies, so it’s unlikely as many people liked them before the hiatus as the internet would suggest today.

i used to be in a touring band and i LOVED playing portland. does the station still exist?

the one thing this documentary has done is provide yet another opportunity for internet commenters to be really proud of themselves for hating nirvana.

i’ve seen scandal.

can’t wait to see her batshit interpretation of an important historical period.

except they were doing that last week and no one seemed to care. riots may not be pretty, but it’s hard to deny their efficacy after this week.

Why did you report this story when you admit he was recruiting you for his site at one point? That seems like a huge conflict of interest to me, especially because you made no attempt at explaining why it didn’t work out. It’s especially glaring after reading the rest of the article which is full of your contempt for

my old band had an album released on a major label and it’s not even on tidal :-(

when are serious candidates going to start announcing?

i’m wondering what ammo hillary would even have against EW, when you already have benghazi, this email scandal, and even as far back as whitewater against clinton. i do not think she has the political capital to be a good candidate. you also mentioned hillary taking swings at obama even after she was all but out. well

i would agree if the entire congress had not been in an utter state of gridlock for ~10 years. i think we need someone who will use executive action to impose the will of the people, like barry had just started to do now.

careul now. don’t want to end up in Rih-hab

yes but i would like her to flip-flop, just this once. run, damnit.



awww why do we have to take a term like ‘chill’ and make it out to be a bad thing that really just amounts to people being insecure on both sides. also, i’d rather be around people you might perceive as ‘empty’ than those who are completely full of shit.

The Bible: Hunting Season