
shitty, barely known newspaper says indelicate thing about the olympics. jezebel: SHOCKED, OUTRAGED

well no one said “bitch”, but yes. you and her should both get a sense of humor.

well i didn’t say it was “okay” or “not okay”. to me, it is a “humorous lyric” in a “song”. while we’re talking quotes, i’m looking for where you said, “that was a shitty thing to do” and not seeing it. you’re right. that would have not conveyed an outrage addiction or gotten a response from me in the first place. i

She should have taken it as a lyric in a rap song. Listen to it and tell me you think can was actually trying to assert that he is responsible for her fame. Why are people acting like this a new thing in hip hop? Eminem and a million other examples of rappers dragging female pop stars come to mind.

take rap lyrics literally. expect a black man from the south side of chicago to be super conscious of gender politics.

haha wow you stepped on quite the land mine.

it’s cool when a politician born with a silver spoon in his mouth who undoubtedly has people following him around wiping his ass for him tells regular citizens they have to work more. def voting for him.

jim carrey you are no longer funny and now you are stupid.

it seems like the guys in this article are just trolling gavin mcinnes but idk i don’t really get it serious or joking. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

ghosting is just the norm now. a few months back i had four completely decent dates with a lady (drinks, breakfast, ice skating, concert) and she just ghosted after the last one. OH, and she had her READ RECEIPTS on. total insult to injury.

i don’t know if we have thanked thugger enough yet for ‘i know there’s gonna be good times’. squish it like squish.

didn’t will smith say jaden smith owns like four shirts?

everyone gets an A+ in self pity.

i hope you feel better soon.

can’t wait for her collab with chet haze.

i feel like the real victim in this whole situation is tyrese.

look at him fidget around like a third grade bully trying to convince the teacher he didn’t do it. human garbage.

she is an incredible person.

While the social media mob is busy coming for Laxamana’s family, it’s also important to note that determining cause and effect when it comes to suicide isn’t easy.