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Well for one, in Japan there are Geisha’s who aren’t Japanese, or even Asian (I know the woman in the title image is Japanese, but the bulk of the video deals with a white American Geisha who lives and works in Japan):

This reminds me of when I went to go see Grant Hill play for South Lakes High School.

The point of this film and most films is not to present pedantic logically consistent worlds to deconstruct. The notion of removing ones face, identity being transferrable, knowing ones self, what it even MEANS to be able to know yourself, and what self actually is are central to the origins of GiTS (and many, many

It’s not mine firsthand, but my father was looking for a sports car in the 1970s and listened to the advice of many to avoid the 240Z as “You can’t trust that Japanese stuff you know?”. He bought a Fiat 124 Spider instead.

Hopefully they’ve really spent time with the software they’ve developed on top of the Tango stuff. Having played around with a Project Tango Dev Kit it was incredibly underwhelming. Extremely finicky, things most people would think were necessary, like occlusion (the ability to tell when a ‘real world’ surface it is

I mean, I get where you are coming from, I do. Back when I was like, 20, this was my mindset. This was the same mindset that drove me to look into buying a 1979 DeTomaso Pantera. Luckily for me the insurance was more than a sizable cocaine habit. 20 year old me had nothing but disdain for pussies that wanted such

I feel like anyone in engineering could have just told you of course this happens. As a software engineer, I deal with sales “misunderstandings” nearly every day of my life. Probably the best one though came from my father, who was a satellite communications engineer. He was brought in to review the specs on this

Whenever Richard Cory went down town,
We people on the pavement looked at him;
He was a gentleman from sole to crown,
Clean favored, and imperially slim.

And he was always quietly arrayed,
And he was always human when he talked;
But still he fluttered pulses when he said,
“Good-morning,” and he glittered when he walked.


Well I think that reply would assume that the biases that exist with regards to black men and white women are applied equally. I don’t know that that is a knowable factor. What I do know is, as opposed to the trials and tribulations over racism (which was discussed at length in mainstream media during Obama’s two

I think sexism, specifically Implicit Bias-type sexism, played a role in depressing democratic turnout, yes. I mean, overall, 7 million fewer votes for Clinton than Obama in the 2012 election. Against an animated facsimile of Satan. Because what, some emails? Please also be aware I am talking specifically about

Neither did Obama. You don’t tend to step foot in places that have gone your way for what, 12? 16? 20 years?

For all of the talk of the “whitelash” and this “historic rush of disillusioned poverty stricken rurals”, Trump won states like Wisconsin and Michigan with vote totals basically level with what Mitt Romney lost

When I was a kid my dad bought one of these (a wagon, same color though), all wrapped up in the big “buy American!” push of the times. It was absolutely the worst car any of our family has ever experienced and my sister bought a used PT Cruiser. I have nothing but horrible memories of melting in the back of this thing

So, as someone who has never drive through water/hasn’t looked into the hows and whats of what could happen... how in the hell did it not hydrolock when the water was over the hood? Where was this car getting air from?

But the physicality isn’t the art part. The art is in the intent — a purely subjective set of criteria

The definition of objective being “based in fact and not feelings or emotions”, and the definition I choose for art (simply anything that someone feels or intends to be art) suggest the at least the quantities that make up the art are all subjective ones.


Well, I’m not an art student, I’m a computer programmer. I do write music and take photographs, and I do love art. I don’t like the piece of artwork this article writes about. It just doesn’t do or say anything to me. I don’t think though that artwork is comparable or valuable in the way that we as a western people

What about it isn’t art? Define art.

When you say this is “crappy”, what is the quantified value of this artwork? Is that value represented by a number? How many units of artworthyness does this possess? How much does the Mona Lisa? How much does a painting by Pollock, or Sheeler? Which art is worth more: a painting, a sculpture, a piece of music?


Hah, I just wondered something similar in another post. It’s pretty tiny when all folded up, and not all that heavy. I think it’d certainly be worth a try.