
Its backed by libertarian ideals and stolen electricity.

You’re correct and I’m correct with my OP.

I am excited by the new opportunities to instantaneously lose large amounts of money this new crypto-currency affords.

Thank God.

Bitcoiners whining about how they don’t have legal protections when scammed in their gray markets specifically designed to shield them from the “inconveniences” of above-board transactions. Love it. LOVE. IT.

I am totally on board with the Navajo being able to stop someone from selling something as a “Navajo” product if it was not actually made by a Navajo. This makes good sense, and has plenty of precedent. (see Champagne, Tequila, Parmesan cheese, etc...)

It seems especially hard considering the entire history of art and design is built on artists and cultures being inspired by other artists and cultures. Rome took almost their entire culture from the Greeks and Etruscans. Every movement in art is built around many artists all inspiring one another so they have a

Apparently, you are already an expert, so please enlighten us. Not everyone believes we should be reinventing the wheel every time. Although that would be culturally appropriating the Sumerians, so I can’t even invent the wheel.

I’d argue that it’s a ill-meaning can of worms. Only a rank idiot could not forsee the the problems with this entire line of thinking. Even the biggest Trump stan possesses enough foresight to see this spiral out of control.

This is pretty fucking stupid. I am an artist and have paid major homage to the First Americans of the PNW in the US in my art. That being said, misleading and misrepresentation are bad, obviously, but banning/punishing “cultural appropriation” is an absurd notion.

I mean, the dude is up there advocating for the termination of up to 4 police officers for the kinds of shit that every other department has thus far tried to ignore and sweep under the rug. Cut the fucking guy a break. By all accounts he’s doing the right thing. He can use every bit of cop speak in the world if it’s

Now playing

How about an actual clip of Chuck. Also, movie trivia - the Gibson guitar model Marty plays didn’t exist yet in 1955.

In fact one should go back and check out all this Arctic Vlogs from the trip. This video is only a short sample of what was actually shot.

I could only imagine that either A) his air filter is so clogged that it has water resistance properties...or most likely B) they were probably driving fast enough that were was probably a nice air bubble where the intake is. Had they completely stopped, I bet hydrolock.

Yea the Gimble seems to be the only plus side unless you’ve already got a GoPro laying around (who doesn’t?). I wonder how effective it would be to attach a handle to a folded up Mavic and use it like that.

***as an ostensibly professional writer who’s job is to understand tech objects.

***After admitting you didn’t read the f’kin manual.

**while in a mode that doesn’t support collision avoidance.

*into an object (fence) which they expressly told you it won’t avoid.

Caution: long post upcoming. A lot of this is from a good summary at Reddit.