
My dad was just out of college, had his first junior level engineering gig, and had a choice to make with his savings. He could either buy a Fiat 124 Spyder. Which, I mean, it’s like a baby Ferrari! What could be bad? Or, he could try this weird new thing from Japan, called a 240Z. I mean, who’s ever heard of a

All great suggestions (I assume, I’ll have to try a couple of them!), but missing my absolute favorite Bourbon - Journeyman Featherbone. If you haven’t tried it you should, very complex taste, but still a very smooth sipping whiskey.

Wily Mo Pena never being in a HRD is the greatest travesty in American sports. There was legitimate fear of death in the Green Monster seats when he was playing for the Red Sox. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen more raw power at the plate.

Movie Talkers are literally subhuman. I will go to the end of the Earth to punish people for talking in movie theaters.

Like, dislike, don’t care about the Balenciaga SSS, it doesn’t matter. This rant is idiocy. Times change, trends are trends, there is nothing sacred about this dudes name. Good lord get off it. “B-b-b-b-but, my p-p-p-portions! THE PROPORTIONS! *** WONT ANYONE THINK OF THE PROP-OR-TIOOONSSS!!!! *****”

This is just a

So you would be totally cool with paying $50k for a new car that suddenly had it’s entire info module constantly reboot, with no fix in sight and in fact barely even an acknowledgement from the manufacturer it was even happening? Sure.

Blockchain is a worthless solution to a problem nobody has. All of the blockchain “innovations” boil down to pump and dump ICOs, or companies dressing up a Merkle Tree as a “blockchain” because it wins investment. The actual blockchain is a slow and inefficient means of data store, whose only purpose is to record

No idea but the whole point is Satoshi Nakamoto is an anagram for “So a man took a shit”

Oh, yeah, I wasn’t disagreeing with you.

The original system was dreamed up as a result of the musings of literal anarchists on email message boards, dreaming of a world without any centralized authorities. The fact that it’s now fueling a generation of Gordon Geek-o’s pump and dump trillionaire fantasies is peak irony.

So a man took a shit...

So a man took a shit...

Honestly, they can live in Worcester and take the commuter rail. I do that and with the recent addition of the direct to Boston trains it’s not bad (the direct train takes about an hour exactly from Worcester into South Station, a little less if you’re getting off in Back Bay or Yawkee). The drive would already take

This reminds me of the fact that at Walden Pond, there is literally “The Transcendentalist Gift Shop”.

So a man took a shit

So A Man Took a Shit

So long as Bitcoin remains in the news, I will remind one and all that Satoshi Nakamoto is an anagram for “So a man took a shit”.

The issue is the opposite of inflation. Because Bitcoin a a finite upward limit to how many will ever be mined, and mining increases in complexity with each iteration, Bitcoins become more scarce the more popular they get. This is exactly the opposite of what you want a currency to do. The notion that a dollar will be

Forever and always, the best threads to remind people that Satoshi Nakamoto is an anagram for “So a man took a shit”.

It’s worth noting that almost all of those places don’t take Bitcoin. They take US Dollars from Bitpay. If Bitpay disappeared, almost none of them would care to deal with trying to trade in Bitcoins, which is kind of the problem for the ‘currency’.