
The detachable camera and gimbal is a great feature on the Karma, no doubt (although in some respects the DJI is small and light enough you could just turn it on and let it film while carrying it/strapping it to yourself and achieve something similar, if perhaps slightly odd looking).

I see your case about the phone

Sweet! Well then I stand corrected, and that makes it a bit more competitive for sure (although the Karma is still bigger, heavier, more expensive, has less battery life, and has fewer advanced flight modes).

Do you have a link for that? I see something about a ‘flat’ color profile but that’s it. Also a lot of posts at PetaPixel and stuff lamenting the continued fisheye lens.

Honestly one of the biggest issues to me with the GoPro drone, and why I’m so happy DJI came out with this one, is that the GoPro cameras have fisheye lenses on them. These look great when you’re running/jumping/climbing/biking but when you pan up or down with one from 300 feet up, the picture does an insane warping

So based, the based god’s might flows through me and now I can tackle my day.


Well, the choice to go with EF-M lenses comes to mind.

The “headphone” jack on the iPhone has a third band, for the microphone. Those card scanners take your credit card swipe, turn it into an analog audio signal, and play it over that as though it were audio over a microphone. Think if it kind of like a modem.

So, while technically yes, a set of headphones would be able

This is really the article people should be reading, it’s far more in depth.

Not true. Depth of field is influenced significantly by sensor size. A full frame or medium format camera will have a significantly more shallow DOF than an APS-C camera with the same lens attached, for example.

Uhm, in the article you linked the Lumia 1020 (which is essentially a digital camera with a crappy phone stuck to it) won with the caveat of “is a crappy, bulky, Windows phone you might not want to lug around”, and then if you wanted an Android or iOS device... the iPhone 6 won.

Fun fact, you can serve ads on those internet streams just as well as you can on cable TV.

So A Man Took a Shit......

Can’t wait to grab a 5 year old G90 for like $15k.

Plenty of pros shoot Fuji cameras in aperture priority with auto ISO and a max shutter speed set. The exposure comp dial can nudge ISO in a direction you want it or help very quickly get the exposure you’re looking for. It's the dial I use probably the most on my X100T.

The worst worst worst worst worst part of all of the Factions is the total lack of diplomatic options. Are we still spoiler alerting? Because spoilers and such follow:

Not my story but, my Dad still occasionally mentions the time he took his sister out to show off his Fiat 124 Spider. They were in a parking lot, and I believe he wanted to show off the cars nimble handling. After exclaiming “Hey Lynn, check this out!”, he sped off to build up speed for some impressive cornering.

They will probably all be buying batteries from Tesla. One way or another Tesla benefits from every single EV on the market.

Again, this is the best time to point out that Satoshi Nakamoto is an anagram for: “so a man took a shit”

And yet if the tank of propane in there explodes for some reason there’s not going to be a lot of house left. I’d like to see a charging station do THAT!