
Let me tell you about these cans and tanks of highly volatile explosive poison I have sitting around in my garage right now....

Why never any Fuji love? An X-E2 would have fit great on this list. The XF18-55 is an amazing kit lens, and Fuji has a vastly better APS-C lens lineup than Sony. The a6000 and the M43 cameras are definitely great choices no doubt, just odd there’s no mention of one of the biggest mirrorless players.

Just tried this on the PS4 version and when I take the elevator down to the Vault, Dogmeat will not follow. Bummer.

There is a review system. The director of the FBI’s CyberSecurity division just said “pay the ransom”, which is effectively a 5 Star A+++++ Would Pay Up To Get My Files Back Again! review.

How do you think one would do with a shellfish allergy? I know a lot of food there is ocean based, and I do love fun fish, but I've always been concerned with how that particular allergy might play out, given the language barrier

Well, being a woman would make you someone’s slave, historically speaking, the world over. But we still are OK with men transitioning into women.

Depending on the scan, you may get injected with dye that makes your whole body feel like it’s lighting on fire, then a sudden urge to holy shit urinate oh god I’m gonna piss all over this big ass machine.

I have mentioned this here before but never has it been so pertinent: Satoshi Nakamoto is an anagram of ‘so a man took a shit’

A few years ago, I went to see some obscure electronic acts at a local college (Machinedrum, some other dude, and Daedalus). After Machinedrum’s set, campus police showed up and informed us that the organizers hadn’t really gotten the correct permission to be putting on a loud concert at this venue (what was basically

The funniest thing about this campaign, and I’m saying this as someone who had testicular cancer, is that if you did happen to find something during your self exam, and you then went in and your doctor agreed it didn’t seem like normal teste type stuff, and then an ultrasound were to come back saying that whatever it

Without swapping coasts I would suggest Cambridge, MA. You could probably fill a 20 minute long video of just you trying to find parking and giving up too!

When I was 20, one of my fathers' coworkers was selling a 1979 De Tomaso Pantera. I can't remember how much, but, it was cheap enough that my meager entry level tech job wages made it somewhat doable. I went and test drove the car and, well, it was something, and it kinda looked like a Lamborghini! I then called my

Extremely relevant to any discussion of crypto currnecies:

This is a very specious argument. Almost all modern athletes have completely transformed themselves into a caliber of athletes that would not have otherwise been possible without X. Often, X is something like Tommy John surgery for baseball pitchers. Sometimes its just our modern understanding of training and

They had zero qualms about what was being sold on Silk Road. Including having a lengthy discussion about why Cyanide was perfectly cool. Even after brainstorming and being unable to figure out any recreational uses for it, or much of anything beyond killing someone (ok, maybe someone was going to use it in a gold

This is not hard. You pay for it if you want it guaranteed, knowing if you don't there might be a chance you get upgraded for free, but there's a good chance you might not.

hmmm I told it I was not loaded yet it suggests a BMW M5...

Is this serious? I mean if the goal of Bitcoin is to replace the US Dollar as a form of payment.. you're talking about literally storing all of your liquid currency on a piece of paper in your house? What in a drawer or something? What happens if you have a flood? A clever robbery? Your house burns down? These are all

It might be worth it to mention that Microsoft (like almost all big businesses that "accept Bitcoin"), is actually not "accepting Bitcoin", they are accepting "US Dollars" from a company named BitPay. If BitPay ever goes under, suddenly, you will see almost nobody in the world accepting Bitcoin as payment.

I don't