I believe the ingredient is called kudzu root. It’s been proven to ease the effects of alcohol in rats and the Chinese have been using it for quite some time.
I believe the ingredient is called kudzu root. It’s been proven to ease the effects of alcohol in rats and the Chinese have been using it for quite some time.
She’s been a mess for many years now. I remember seeing a “comedy”video on Funny or Die and there was this so called comedian interviewing an obviously trashed Chyna and trying to pass it off as comedy. I laid into the creator of the video and she was so confused as to why it was upsetting. She didn’t fucking get that…
A man of principle, Bedoya—himself of Colombian heritage, though born in America
Yeah,I live in Arcadia and stopped seeing a cute one because he lived allllllllllll the way in Huntington Beach.
I wouldn’t like that. Porn is cool and I don’t mind if my boyfriend watches it. I watch it too but that’s more for alone time and beating one out really quick. When it’s me and him there is no room for other people in there. He’s got plenty of material to work with when I’m around and vise versa.
Fuck this puto
Word,a fatty is where it’s at.
Sorry dude,by your definition you’re a cuckold.
Not to take away from the article but just a note: if you live in Los Angeles counot and you receive a red light ticket in the mail do not acknowledge it. They cannot come after you for it and you will not get points on your driving record. That is all
Too bad the shawl won't change that Ms Nicks still sounds like shit live.
Hispanic here with past ties to gangs.....this is not offensive. This does not represent all Latinos and I love how some gawker commentors are offended for everyone when there is no need for it
No,I didn't realize those 2 well written funny characters from cable.tv shows were real people.
I love her! I think she and Pam from True blood are my spirit animals.
tough call between marble mouth and orlando jones......I'll go for Popular science instead
foreals,I have dogs but I'm seeing a lot of twatty wet blankets in this thread.
Yes! Half Viggo half the guy that plays the Russian millionaire on the cable commercial
That's it. It's over between Tom Selleck and I