
Thanks! He's so pretty

Cute. But more importantly, who is the silver haired daddy???

Word...less teeth, I don't have to quit after 10 minutes,and anal doesn't hurt. I much prefer average sizes too. I've also noticed too that men with big dicks try less and aren't as down for oral because they think their dicks are a blessing and just enough.

Don't forget about beautiful hockey mullets: )

I'm not sorry

I epilate too and I use the silk epil by Braun. They have a new one that's wet/dry and has an attachment so you can slough off dead skin for less ingrown hairs. I can't live without it cuz this girl is HAIRY......

I feel bad saying he looks like Wallace Shawn cuz I actually like Wallace Shawn......oh Fuck it.,,INCONCEIVABLE!

Can't wait! I'm still stuck on Joy Luck Club and Eat Drink Man Woman. I know,I suck

Yes! While Ms. Washington is one of the most beautiful women on tv she's a terrible over actor. That half sob half speaking her lines made me give up on the show first season

I was there. Everyone booed him when he was first introduced. He pulled the Jonathan Quick and immediately won the crowd and got a standing ovation. Was pretty funny

check out this beauty

butt hole bleaching too

don't talk about your dog's shitting habits or your neighbor's horny faces. I tried it,it doesn't work

Ugh ,yes!! Been into my friend for the last year and every time he flirts I start sweating ,get a stomach ache and I run away.......I will die a lonely horny cat and dog lady.

Omg,I'm a die hard kings fan(going to the game tonight) And I feel no shame in saying that man is perfection.

I broke up with someone cuz they did this. It's like they're holding on for their dear life

Why do I feel like her Falkor face is so punchable? Her and the Gordon- Leavitt guy with their squinty, smarmy,smiley faces.

WOW ,THAT'S A LOT OF SWLF HATE!!!!............backs away slowlyand hides her butt bleach

Now playing

So they spliced this video and gave it a sepia tone with an annoying song...... this one is funner,guys

They need something new to be mad at every day.