
Also, just fuck store exclusives in general. That stuff is just eBay Scalper fodder.

I understood the the flowers grew in the soil and extracted some Vibranium from it, which is where they got their special properties. There was some expertise required to extract the the potions from the flowers.

I fucking love this movie.

“Wypipo are fragile.”

Whatever happened to “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names will never hurt me”?

I have. It sucks.

I don’t care what anyone says. I love the aesthetic on her character. I hope they don’t change it one iota.

A lot of people didn’t know Blade was based off a comic book, just like a lot of people still act like Blade didn’t set this whole damn thing up. Billions of dollars later, and still neglected, even by people exalting how groundbreaking Black Panther is.

Obviously there was a Zombie outbreak and they took care of the problem.

Given enough time, capitalism will always ruin what what it helped create.

They lost me as a customer, but good luck to them for those who like that stuff

What’s sort of lost in all of this, is how obviously blatant this affects nearly all publisher/developer partnership to craft games to fit this mold.

That last image is disheartening.

They’re obsessed with it because they don’t want me to buy their games.

No, birth certificates are correct. Girls and Boys are completely different and there is no way a hospital would make that mistake.

If your birth certificate says female, and you are not making other people in the restroom uncomfortable, no reason why not.

How is this a bad thing? Real question, please explain.

Could the hype be any bigger right now? The end of this week can’t get here fast enough!

So let’s get rid of this law because the majority of people who break this law are people of colour, therefore law is racist.

They should be prosecute everyone who jumps a turnstile. When you take away the discretion to prosecute, then it won’t be applied in a racially discriminatory manner. But not prosecuting at all is some bullshit.