
Yea... I’m no fan of Toys-R-Us and totally despise store exclusives... but why SO salty?

Could the hype be any bigger right now? The end of this week can’t get here fast enough!

I appear to have been banned on another Kinja site for citing facts that proved a commenter wrong after questioning the motive of an author o_O If, however, this can be seen, it’s a pretty freaking big deal that the comic is “If Watergate Happened with Today’s Media” and doesn’t mention the fact that something worse

Why do people always point out that white men make well liked media and need diversity, instead of encouraging POC to make media that brings in money? No studio would turn down a money maker from anyone.

I’d be okay with Riri in about 10 years (because realistically there are SO many other movies I want first.) but if they go that route, I really hope they do something about the hair. It’s SO ridiculous that she has hair that’s 2 feet in diameter but manages to fit it inside a TINY helmet?! (I know it’s artistic

Spiderman Homecoming... Tony mentions that no one was REALLY trying to hurt anyone. That’s why he took Parker, and why Parker was (relatively) safe. The point of the Rhodey injury was similar to having two friends get into a fist fight and one gets hospitalized but no one meant to (permanently) hurt anyone.

He could come back at any time though, and with the way he is “upgraded” off screen, they could really turn him into anything they wanted.

Help me out here, I enjoyed Coco. I thought it was a perfectly fine film. I thought it was on par with A Bug’s Life and not really up to Pixar quality. I thought it shared enough with The Book of Life to have came from the same initial script. The Book of Life was first, and the Mariachi-ization of pop songs was neat,

While I mostly agree with your sentiment, in no way does the multicultural cast of Rogue One or The Last Jedi feel organic. It looks and feels exactly like what it is, cherry picking a generic race cast so as to include everyone. Have you watched any children’s shows on KET, or looked at a pamphlet from any American

Help me out here, I enjoyed Coco. I thought it was a perfectly fine film. I thought it was on par with A Bug’s Life and not really up to Pixar quality. I thought it shared enough with The Book of Life to have came from the same initial script. The Book of Life was first, and the Mariachi-ization of pop songs was neat,

Why do people on this site have such a hard time using google to find widely known facts?!

Okay, I’m confused. Kotaku reports that his tweets were so bad that his place of employment saw fit to fire him for his private life that in no way reflects on the company. Then of the two tweets reproduced, one is a verifiable fact that has been widely stated by sociologists and political scientists. The other is a

This looks like they’re trying to copy the mistakes of the Lost World while also making the dinosaurs look really CGI and turning the series into a monster movie instead of a science gone wrong adventure with monsters. :-\ I hope it’s better than this made it look.

Alright, I need a hot take here. Black unemployment is at the lowest it’s ever been, the American economy is doing fantastic, and divisiveness in our country is actually lower than it’s been in 10-12 years. (Yes, vocal racism from whites is actually up, but racism from POC which was at all time highs the last 8 years

The bigger problem is just how incredibly easy it is to arrest someone in America with no accountability to the Police, and no negative consequences for ruining someone’s life without cause. Forty days to hold someone is enough to lose their job, 10% of their yearly income, missing of any bill payments, and therefore

And for all we know, he HAS been Sorcerer Supreme for more than 100 years... Practicing different spells and techniques... Right before dying at the hands of Dormammu and reversing time!

I thought it was semi-officially confirmed that the soldier in the experimental armor injury was one of the unnamed from Iron Man 2?

Read the original Script or watch the “No Cheese” version of the film. There is a surprisingly good film hidden within (and an excellent film with around 20 minutes of re-filmed footage and replacement of 5 (I know poor Jack was older, he just looked so young) year old Anakin with a 14-17 year old boy).

I’m not sure what you mean by moral ground in this instance. Violent crimes are committed in higher rates by democrats, as are crimes in general (though the general isn’t by as much). Democrats advocate for the murder of unborn children, violating their constitutional rights because they don’t count yet. Democrats

Spielberg? I mean... the source material is garbage wrapped in nostalgia with a decent concept at its core.