
Oh no, derailing a train is also terrorism, as are most activities and threats that true white supremacists engage in. As a country America does have a problem calling out terrorism where it needs to be called out. An armed revolt over grazing land that you have no legal claim to? Yea, that was terrorism too. -_- and

There is a difference in a terrorist that is fighting their country becoming freedom fighters (see American Revolution, French Revolution, et al.) and terrorist fighting private citizens/entities and foreign entities that are NOT pushing a political agenda.

I said it isn’t feasible as a Federal program. A one size fits all mold is much harder for a country the size of the US. My first comment says that it would be possible on a state by state basis (heck, funding could still be federal, just have state regulation similar to education) if there were limits on medical

I know I’m going to take flack for this, but using fear and intimidation to push a political agenda is technically terrorism. So the use of activist in this article is not the correct terminology here. While the ad from a country where there was nothing wrong with the photo does show considerable negligence in the

Amazing. Every word you just said... was wrong.
Americans spent 3.3 TRILLION on healthcare in 2016

Except that common sense dictates that it’s somewhere between not feasible, and impossible. Look at the Countries that it “works” for. They are smaller than many states. On a state level it MIGHT be possible with government regulations on maximum profit/charges that hospitals can have, dissolution of insurance, and

*Hoping for years that Blu-Ray drives and 3-6 USB 3.1 ports become standard for Laptops. Gets ultra thin laptops with very few USB C instead. Cries in Corner*

Software as a service is renting software. Digital distribution is a long term lease that can be ended at any time by the leaser. (Slight difference in software that can be burned once you purchase it) Being able to use your downloaded software despite server loss without the ability to burn to a disc is equivalent to

Hardly. Software as a service vs Digital Distribution in which servers must remain online, or must be online in order to legally download something you’ve purchased, are the same. While price is lower for Digital Distribution, the company can cut you off any time with both. More like the difference in rent and long

You are so right! No one purchased Marvel Heroes or put money into the game only to be told less than a month later that it would be shut down at a later time and then shut down in less than a month. No one has ever had their entire library of music removed from access through error with no way of reclaiming it, and

You represent the worst type of gamer, and the absolute worst type of consumer. You are a corporate shill who would sell out millions of others who share in your hobby for what, slight convenience? If you actually played games or knew the history of the industry, you would recognize that nearly every evil in the

This cosplay is incredible! I do wonder though, why do the heads in so many Cosplay look so large? Iron men have this all the time. Is it because real human proportions cannot fit in smaller helmets?

During Bungie Era Halo there was this huge disconnect between the games and expanded media. On the one hand, this worked well to expand the world without requiring casuals to delve into the extra world. The biggest problems with Halo lore began in Reach with glaring problems and retcons (Dry dock with a ship that

I bought this last time it was on sale because I had never seen it. I’ve since watched it twice (Dubbed and with captions), and am of the mindset that it was... ok?

I bought this last time it was on sale because I had never seen it. I’ve since watched it twice (Dubbed and with

Okay, I’m not versed in international politics of prisoner rights and transfers, but this person was an SDF prisoner transferred to US custody. Is he now a US prisoner or is he still an SDF prisoner but being held by the US? While the precedent is scary, if the person IS an SDF prisoner just in US custody, then would

Don’t get me wrong, I like a good Arthur and/or Merlin story, but why on Earth doesn’t Disney take advantage of their other fantasy properties? The Prydain chronicles could be an amazing GoT competing series, or a LOTR with the feel of PoTC Series of movies. Forget the Black Cauldron (Ok for what it was, but NOT an

HOLD UP! Movie Pass allows multiple showings of the same film now?!

I don’t like the idea of jumping vehicles, but if they were going to have the Falcon be a player, it needs to take THREE people to use. One to pilot, one to man the top cannons, and one to man the bottom. Also, the first person pilot was missing the left half of the ship! Imagine actually piloting that thing! Gosh I

I agree. Dogfights in Battlefront were supposed to be a mix of shooter and flight sim. Land on an enemy ship, get out, shoot them. Air coverage more akin to Battlefield. What we got was instead a part of an excellent Flight game in its own right

I do Tracfone, and around here there is no dead zones (I realize traveling more than an hour that might change, but that’s as far as I usually go). About two years ago, my 7 year old Tracfone did start to have a few dead zones, but when inquiring to customer support they sent a free upgrade phone that fixed it (though