
Here’s the problem in a nutshell: Kinja-based sites are now filtering out comments if they disagree with the majority opinion.

I’ve skimmed through the whole thread, and yours is literally the very first one which suggests that perhaps this guy’s tweets were defensible. And guess what? The editors have left you in the

I smell a lawsuit here. It’s pretty bad when you can’t post obvious jokes or have even slightly non-liberal views on your personal account without worrying about the thoughtpolice swooping by and mass report you to your place of work because you didn’t use their/its preferred pronoun.

Remember - on the Internet you can have any opinion you like! As long as it aligns with the publicly accepted one, otherwise you’re a misogynistic racist transphobic homophobic white supremacist Nazi. Honestly, from what was listed in this article, dude seems to be a bit of an asshole, but if that was reason enough to

Thank goodness we have the Thought Police to hound people out of jobs!

I dont understand how someone saying you can have a girl avatar or more gameplay is hateful.

I just wish more people would remember these movies are not about “science good” but “science bad” and the hubris of humans.

Literally every single dinosaur is made up... thats kind of a big point of the series (both film and book) and a arc set up in the first of the new trilogy. If you didn’t think it would be exploring it more...

You’re a piece of shit Ajit.

Did you read the article? It very clearly states that the rule hasn’t gone into effect yet, and the Senate will have 60 days to override the ruling.

Why wouldn’t they own all the rights to the special that they would have paid for? I don’t get that criticism. Regardless... I’m pretty sure that this bridge is now FULLY burned.

I actually think it has a shot at beating the Avengers for the following reason: It will bring in all the Marvel fans who would see it anyway on opening weekend, + all the black folks who might not necessarily be interested in Marvel movies per se, but who are certainly interested in a black superhero film. Maybe call

My personal lily-white opinion is, an absolutely unbelievable number of PoC are going to turn out for this movie, they’re gonna go with all their kids, they’re going to go with their friends, because they’ve never been represented this way before. And all us pale-ass nerds are going to turn out because the movie looks

Uh, I’m fine with every character’s romantic life being “minimized”. Not why I’m watching the movies.

And the original photographers of the images they are using as reference could sue.

Agreed. Peacocks go out of their way to inconvenience people. I’m just stunned that someone has found one helpful

Come at me, but this “emotional support animal” is bullshit. If you need help with flight anxiety, take a tranquilizer or booze, like a normal sane person. Animals - no exceptions, dogs, cats, whatever! - have no business inside a passengers cabin.

True. There has always been to much dichotomy between mutants and anyone else with super powers. Plus you can only divvy up so many world ending threats for the other heroes to ignore that it becomes silly.

Let’s be real honest. X-Men do not make any sense in a world with super heroes like Captain America or Spiderman.

I stand by the fact that Stargate Universe was good. It didn’t start good, it was tedious and drawn out but once it found it’s footing it was getting pretty dang good. The characters became more likeable, they started working together as a team, the story stopped being repetitive and actually had some meat to it.