I don’t want to be anti-fun but I can’t imagine this not being bad
I don’t want to be anti-fun but I can’t imagine this not being bad
its a little expensive
Why does this “sound like hell”? I know Kotaku is quick to hate on anything that the Twitter Tech Bros talk about (I don’t blame ya lol), but to me this just seems like a tool to help developers? If we can cut through the monotony and boilerplate of development, or if we can use it as a tool to help inspire more…
The whole thing boils down to “don’t be an asshole” and everyone gets along just fine.
What a strangely petty thing to do. Wouldn’t have expected that as a fringe benefit, but it’s just odd to not eat that cost. Then again they’re adding a whole new army of folks with the Acti-Blizz acquisition. Anyway to save a buck I guess.
Maybe Good-Guy-Phil can get it fixed up to avoid more negative PR!
So what exactly is wrong with me ‘cheating’ on a single player game because you guys effed up the game design? Or because I want Leon dressed like Batman?
Wow mah brodas! Capcom breaking records in “BS per paragraph”.
The voice acting never bothered me one bit. However playing in crossplay was a horrible experience as a console player. After I turned it off though the game really shined.
Bungie isn’t the “good guy” studio everyone thinks it is. So long as they have been working on Destiny they have been mildly shitty.
This fucking sucks, it feels as it does not matter if its the best selling game of all time, they just want to spend as little money as possible.
I think somewhat quietly Zenimax is and has been one of the worst mismanaged companies in the business. I honestly think almost anyone with authority at Zeni and BGS need to go, because there are a lot of talented people there and at their other studios, but they consistently get shafted by the dullards running the…
Most people that go EV never want to go back to an ICE, even with the issues. This situation has nowhere to go but up. Automakers are trying their hardest turn ICE cars into emissions and economy compliance appliances, and EVs just do those things better.
Right now, in the U.S., only 8% of new car sales are EV, but given the massive markups and general manufacturer-imposed price-unaffordability of new EVs, that 8% is probably an iceberg tip on top of actual pent-up demand.
They just posted Toyota PR without verifying it with hard numbers. I posted in a different post the Prius they are saying is selling well compared to EVs (which they use misleading comparisons of the F150 Lightning supply vs Prius) actually is selling worse than mediocre selling EVs, much less hot sellers like the…
After a relatively hot last couple of years, EV sales have cooled off. A lot of American buyers don’t want them
I mean, it’s weird but blood drives are good things. Donating blood is also actually good for you. The bad part is you donate your blood but they turn around and sell it for $100's of dollars and the hospital sells it to patients for $1000's.
they really be doing any promotion than trying to fix their game
It would have been great to have this a toggle-able feature. I get that some people wouldn’t have wanted the commentary at all, but it would have been nice to at least have the option to turn it on.
It’s fine when it’s used judiciously for things that reasonably require some amount of confirmation but that wouldn’t benefit from an “Are you sure? But for real though, totally sure?” pop-up, like overwriting an existing save. I’m also OK with it as an alternative to a layer or modifier, especially on controllers.…
Well, he was under contract until April next year, so effectively they are letting him go four months early. It is more like he is getting fired, but they are phrasing it nicely.