
I guess my question is... how many of the guys actually meet the standard you’re looking for? Because honestly... as far as characterization goes, it’s ALL relatively thin gruel.

I know it’s a stereotype but in a lot of Asian fiction, and I mean a lot, that is the ideal women. Women are either perfect porcelain dolls who are well-behaved and quiet no matter how powerful they are, or they’re allowed to have some agency beyond that but typically only for comedic value, or they’re evil. And

Such a professional job without a plan of what to do with the cars afterwards

Yep, everyone should stop buying new cars...that way they only make....used...cars...and that...totally doesn’t create an overpressure on the used car market causing it to inflate like we’ve been seeing since 2020...?

Most high school students don’t go out to real restaurants on their own—if you do go to sit-down dinners, typically an adult is paying for everything.”

Same on the stress! As a a person who enjoys a good cozy game I get recommended Stardew Valley a lot, but I found it overcomplicated and too time-limited for my lil head. I respect the hell out of it, but I fare better with Animal Crossing. 

Same. It’d be one thing if days moved slower, but with time constantly passing I never feel like I can slow down.

They’re not the same arguments, because the context is different.

Maybe we should be complaining about the lack of UBI instead of complaining that automation exists.

Innovation costs people jobs!? What a shocker.  If we never let innovation take away people's jobs we'd all still be picking cotton and digging out coal mines with shovels.

So many people don’t understand what democratizing a media means. Democratizing a media means to make it usable by a wider audience. The camcorder democratized film making by making it accessible to the public. The internet democratized publishing by making it cheap & accessible. Flash democratized animation by making

It does matter, because there’s a lot of vitriol being slung at people who see possibilities in the tech beyond replacing workers.

When did everyone suddenly go from insisting commercial art isn’t art, to insisting only commercial art is art?

Animation is one of those jobs where you accept a much lower salary than you could make elsewhere, because you get to do what you love.

Overtly defining AI-generated images as “plagiarism” seems like a slippery slope that could lead to any art provably influenced by another person’s art as plagiarism. Yes, I get that the AI systems are literally TAKING- often against the will of the original artist- pieces of work and processing them to make it’s

Here’s my regular reminder that you people have a problem with capitalism, not a problem with technology. All this pearl clutching over displaced artists completely misses the point that in a just world, the artists could continue to make their art without the threat of poverty and new technology like this wouldn’t

This article is unbearable, and might finally be the tipping point for me to leave this site. AI art is a tool. Saying it spits on “real animators” is short-sighted, and reeks of people that refuse to adapt to the times, like anyone saying that Photoshop, filters, or digital animation weren’t doing “real art.”

The article is just drenched in outrage. This is on par with the kind of burn-it-all-down writing you find in response to a tweet about how maybe a 25% tip for take-out is a bit much.

Frankly, it was time for an update.

Regarding Iron Bull, I think the problem isn’t Iron Bull or “Demands of the Qun” so much as it is a more general issue with how the Qunari have been portrayed.