
We’ve already seen instances of art created by actual artists being accused of being AI generated, and the image above that was “called out as an AI-generated image by fans” was similarly identified as such by some random dude, with no suggestion of evidence. It seems to now be that if something “seems like AI” that’s

So who is going to be the first AAA company that tries to make the “First AI generated game”? Or at least all the assets are AI generated. Ubisoft has my money. They’re already basically copying and pasting their games.

You can always tell someone doesn’t give a shit about a group of people when they refer to someone that is actively trying to cause harm to them for no good reason as having a difference of opinion.

That is a woefully misguided view on the stock market. Activ/Bliz has made a profit every year. the reason for the sale is Microsoft offered well over market value for each stock which would allow investors to take that money and re-invest into more companies. it’s how the stock market works, buying low and selling

but they won’t fail. if the possibility existed we wouldn’t be having this conversation. No one would be batting an eye at microsoft buying them if they were going to fail. Instead our capitalist society will reward them crushing union pushes and tossing employees after they’ve been sexually harassed because the system

on one hand I 100% agree Monopolies should be avoided when possible, on the other hand Activision Blizzard has proven to be an extremely toxic company that has taken advantage of their employees in disgusting ways and Microsoft is the only company that has both the capital to buy them and the track record of actually

“The PS5 subreddit’s mods ended the post saying “trans rights are human rights,” which is the correct and only take to have here.”

Flu, schmoo. This is profiteering.

I’m in the “Unnamed_ did Nothing Wrong” camp. *Every* world first racing team is absolutely using 3rd party mods similar to ACT, Cactpot, and other raid callouts. They are 1000% using them. I guarantee some of them even have private mods/programs like mechanic simulators they practice.


This is an anti EV thing that AEG’s been pushing for years, even Jalopnik’s sister site has an article debunking this https://cleantechnica.com/2021/10/26/about-that-scary-evs-cost-more-to-fuel-study-not/.

Uh, what? This smells like bullshit to me.

My Chevy Bolt uses about 29Kwh to drive 100 miles.
I pay .25 per Kw to charge at home. That’s $7.25 for 100 miles.

My gas car gets about 22 mpg combined, for 100 miles that’s 4.5 gallons @ $4/gal = $18 in regular gas for 100 miles.

Let me be the millionth person (surely) to call attention to the irony of the name of the studio. Wow. 

I want to meet the people who come up with systems like this. Seriously.

My dad worked on a system like this at Boeing in the early 90s. It’s not just 5% of all employees, it’s 5% of any given team who get the mark of death. It means if you perform really well & get on an elite team & are the weakest in a team of the 10 best programmers in the company, your career is over. It makes people

Uh, no. Maybe at some jobs I’ve had, but I work in an office now full of talented, dedicated people who bust their asses every day and consistently hit targets and generate verifiable growth. (Coincidentally, it is also a place which regularly prioritizes the financial, physical, and mental wellbeing of employees.)

As an accountant and solely looking at the graphic above the reasoning given in the article for the gain don’t quite make sense to me. I would expect to see bigger gains in the gross profit per vehicle if they were the sole reason. It looks instead a massive jump in the net profit per vehicle, which to me implies the

I’m not going to stan for Elon, everything you say might be true, but there’s no doubt that Tesla’s manufacturing costs are significantly lower than legacy carriers, they have no pensions to support, they use about 1 human to every 3 at the more traditional manufacturers, significantly driving down labor costs. I did

Right there with you. I read the line about how Destiny 2 sucks for new players and how the interesting parts are locked behind dozens of hours of grinding and thought, yeah no shit. I got it when it first came out and thought this sucks but read that it gets good after reaching some higher level. Grinded through

I can’t believe I’m the first one in with, “People still play Destiny?”