
Healthcare is languishing because of a combination of lack of incentives for R&D, and lack of federal investment - albeit that’s mostly a comment on one issue rather than the broader ones that prevent both public and private efforts to fix the industry. I suppose reasonably we’d have to discuss the middleman problem,

Don’t like TKL, prefer ergonomics, and want macro keys. Definitely not up my alley. Nonetheless, good for you if you’re into this kind of thing. Personally, I don’t mind clicky blues, so I can get boards as is (though the move away from macro keys has annoyed me).

This. A new way to do this doesn’t change the fundamental nature of the field, which much like other related areas is in a constant state of flux. While it doesn’t please me as a player, I am if anything a little bit impressed how much more rapidly these fields move compared to dead major fields which could very much

I’m going to go one further on this - basically noone needs 2160p right now. Presently, with the best GPU on the market, there are still games that will have FPS problems at 2160p. You can’t buy a beefy enough system (even if everything was in stock) to run 2160p consistently at high settings/FPS.

What I feel like deserves more emphasis here is how categorically useless critic reviews have become. If you bother to scroll down a metacritic list of critic scores, particularly on a major game you not only likely won’t recognize most of them, but if you actually click through you may very well find the review to be

It’s owned by Rupert Murdoch, and its own (conservative) political writers quit after being ordered to mislead the public. What exactly were you expecting from them? Lionizing scalpers is basically right up their alley unfortunately.

Honestly, those nations are only ‘controversial’ because of the Chinese government going after anyone who acknowledges them. Nonetheless, not going to pretend surprise, the CCP’s ability to co-opt even small companies is horrific but well known at this point. I am however frustrated by how little counter there is to

I knew better from the start, but the image alone was enough. Frankly though, I don’t get why they design monsters like this - the only mood it sets is disgust and attempting to ignore them.

Really, Alexandra’s list was good, but I want to point out one just to be utterly clear here, because it alone is full and total justification to not just refuse to attend, but be disgusted.

My reaction too - I guess good for them though? At least they seem to be happy, even if the rest of us are bemused.

That’s actually an interesting question, and the answer is basically, “I have no idea.” There are some really good older entries in the series, but you might get a better idea of where it’s at from something newer. Thinking about it, I might start with the first more ‘modern’ take in Tales of Symphonia, since it’s the

XP and 95? I mean, certainly not any time recently. But originally when they first made and updated the start menu it was actually a really good idea. Especially compared to their competition.

At this point that area of law is so messy and overwhelming that whether or not there’s basis for a claim is irrelevant - the mere chance is enough to screw you. It’s an astounding comment on how broken our government is that this continues. And an even more astounding one that they regularly propose making the law

I’d honestly have trouble recommending bothering. It feels like they’ve made one mistake after another since Mayhem 2.0 dropped, and that’s ignoring the fundamental issues with the game such as the story and writing. Anointments are a mess, they’re covering a gear system which is also a mess, they actively go after

I mean, it’s not surprising that you’re pleased about mobile use for a mobile UI. That said, I’m dubious on the argument that this is an improvement even with the removal of live tiles (though you’re right about the center positioning - it increases the already disgusting amount of screen space waste).

My main impression of Windows 11 is that the UI is bloody awful. I don’t know why they feel the need to perpetually design their UI for mobile use without concern about anything else, that chunky icon based style of start menu is an abomination.

In the example I mentioned, the devs were caught twice altering drop rates for cash shop items.

Two things here, one datamining is actually a useful service provided to gaming communities, since it makes it harder for devs to screw over the public without being caught (see Warframe early on), and two this issue sounds more like a problem with ‘insiders’ giving out these codes that are supposedly intended to be a

Solid point here on proof of vaccine, if this really is just vaccinated people it’s  safer than a lot of what the public is already doing on a day to day level. If it’s not requiring proof of vaccination on the other hand, it’s a bloody petri dish.

Frankly, after the whole China thing, helping out former Trump officials, hiring a torture apologist, and...